

COMMENT: Arena projects revisited

A review of documents related to projects undertaken in the arena in 2010 and 2011 raises many serious questions and suggests that Mayor Granstrom and Council have not provided adequate oversight for the actions of staff. In December 2009, the City issued a proposal call for the upgrade of the arena roof.  Council did not...

OP/ED: Give us back our money, tax cheats!

There is a class of people and corporations in this country whose illicit financial practices have an enormous negative impact on the country and its citizens. Yet the law and order regime of Stephen Harper barely plays lip service to the issue of tax evasion through tax havens. While Harper cuts billions from government...

Retirement seems to suit Lynne Burch after 25 years of service

Well-wishers, colleagues and family came out to send long-time city employee Lynne Burch off to retirement in style last Friday. Stepping down from her position as chief administrative officer for the City of Grand Forks, Burch was obviously happy to be shifting into a life of leisure, beaming as she received gifts, cards, ...

Environment critic tours the Boundary

Boundary area groups concerned about environmental issues took the opportunity to bring their messages forward to New Democratic Party (NDP) last week. Over the past few months leading up to the provincial government election in May of 2013, NDP candidate for the Boundary Similkameen, Marji Basso, has been active not only in...

Grand Forks seeks help to tell their story

Grand Forks is strengthening its brand, and it needs help from the public. No, there’s no steer wrestling experience necessary. Gloves and jeans aren't required. There's no cattle or branding irons. All that's needed is your thoughts about Grand Forks. But first, what is a brand and why is it important? What's a brand? Our ...

COMMENT: The great Canadian sell-out

It couldn’t have been clearer in a recent interview for Maclean’s magazine, that International Trade Minister Ed Fast viewed maintaining sovereign control over our public services, investments, intellectual property, environmental protection, government procurement and labour mobility as completely irrelevant in sweeping...

Compost bin like lunch bucket for local bears when put out the night before pickup

The new green compost bins issued by the Regional District Kootenay Boundary (RDKB) last month are attracting more than community discussion – bears are now cashing in on the free meals contained within. Conservation officer Dave Webster said he is currently monitoring between five and six bear complaints in Grand Forks. About...

Boundary residents share in the Defend the Coast action this week

The Boundary-Similkameen is joining communities across BC in a province-wide Defend Our Coast day of action to show growing opposition to the risks posed by tar sands pipelines and tankers. Rallies will be held at MLA’s offices across the province on Wednesday, Oct. 24, and participants will link arms to symbolize BC’s unbroken...

Time to chill-out in Lillooet municipal politics?

The political climate in Lillooet is beginning to resemble a Quentin Tarantino movie and if it continues down the same path it’s not – from a cinematic perspective – going to end much differently than most of his films. In May, IntegrityBC called on the provincial government to appoint a conciliator in Lillooet, since then ...

Local government knocks on the province's doors

Meetings with Ministerial level government officials are always important for local governments and at every Union of B.C. Municipal governments conference access to the provincial government is likely the must critical part of the annual gathering. In late September representatives from the Boundary municipalities and regional...

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