

Greenwood to get new stop sign and other council news

Greenwood is getting a new stop sign after concerned residents approached council. The stop sign will go up on Church Avenue. Drivers were having problems navigating the intersection during the snowy months and city crew agreed that a stop sign would help when they are ploughing up the hill, said Mayor Nipper Kettle. This is...

Conservatives drop Mischa Popoff after controversial statements

UPDATE:  Mischa Popoff's campaign manager, Frank Hilliard, has announced that Popoff will continue running as an MLA candidate in the Boundary Similkameen, but this time as an independent. According to Hilliard, this decision allows Popoff to "tell the truth."  He went on to say that Popoff did make the controversial statements...

COMMENT: Justin Trudeau, Boy King

There is no accounting for political judgment when it gets caught up in irrational euphoria. The overwhelming victory of Justin Trudeau in the Liberal Party's leadership race demonstrates just how impoverished the state of our political culture has become. Did the polls -- almost completely meaningless at this stage of the ...

COMMENT: Shark Finning – An Immoral Practice

I recently had the opportunity to speak and offer support for Bill C-380, An Act to Amend the Fish Inspection Act and the Fisheries Act, which would prohibit the importation of shark fins not attached to the rest of the shark and enshrine in legislation Canada's prohibition on finning.  This bill was introduced by my colleague,...

COMMENT: Election

Once every four years citizens are offered a brief reprieve from the responsibility of endless decisions about matters concerning their kids, their homes, and their work; of just getting along and making ends meet. Once every four years we are inundated with propaganda telling us that all the problems associated with the...

COMMENT: B.C. Liberals in no position to give other parties lessons on political fundraising

It's a bit rich for the B.C. Liberal party to be giving lessons to the BC NDP on political fundraising, as they tried to do over the weekend after the NDP sent a fundraising appeal to corporate Liberal party donors. The Liberals might have been well-advised to leave well enough alone, if for no other reason than it might...

Alex Atamanenko addresses Genetically Modified Alfalfa at the House of Commons

New Democratic Party member of parliament (MP) Alex Atamanenko made the following speech in the House of Commons, Friday April 19th. Mr. Speaker, last week a National Day of Action was held across Canada to stop Forage Genetics International from releasing Monsanto's genetically modified Roundup Ready alfalfa. I would like ...

Council Clips: Plastic bags a no-no in compost bins

City of Grand Forks compost bins do not currently accept plastic bags and there is no sign of that changing in the near future. Councillors discussed composting and composting bags at their regular April 15 meeting. While they didn’t have a motion on the table to change the way compost is collected, they did want to make sure...

Greenwood Council: City loses major funding; Councillors work to beautify city

The City of Greenwood has taken a financial hit this year. Instead of getting $426,960 from the provincial Strategic Community Investment Fund, the city will get $228,080. This news really hurts the community, according to Mayor Nipper Kettle. “This will hit us very hard so we will have to really watch where and how we...

BMX-ers aren't racing to washrooms anymore

The City of Grand Forks council members have once again granted the Grand Forks BMX Society access to the washrooms at the west end of the park. Access was taken away a year ago after campers lodged complaints about the state of the facilities, said mayor Brian Taylor at the April 15th council meeting. “We did have some...

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