

New Kootenay Columbia Riding — 'A challenge at 64,000 square kilometres'

It’s been two years since the Federal Elections Boundaries Commission decided to move Nelson into the Kootenay Columbia riding and the effects are soon to be seen. Previously, Nelson was included in the South Okanagan-West Kootenay riding alongside Trail and Castlegar. Nelsonites and other communities in this riding voted...

LETTER: Top two federal parties suppressing and oppressing working class Canada

Is The US Dollar Collapsing, or is it Not? There are three schools of thought on where the US dollar is headed, some say it will be dead before Sept. 2015  is over. Some believe it is business as usual, while a third group points to the US dollar as deflating. Now I’m a Canadian, and personally, I do not care who is right, ...

Community resilience centre set up in Midway to support wildfire victims

While visiting wildfire-impacted communities, Minister of State for Emergency Preparedness, Naomi Yamamoto announced today that a resilience centre for British Columbians impacted by wildfires in Rock Creek and Oliver will be set up to provide programs of support. "We know this is a difficult and uncertain time for many...

New bridge a no-go; projected costs exceed $15-mill mark

The lengthy road to a new bridge in Trail has been made even longer after council voted to reject all the submitted tenders at Monday’s council meeting. The proposed pipe-pedestrian bridge was intended to be a $10 million project, but the newly-received tender shows the final cost to be in excess of $15.7 million. Council...

Premier visits Midway and Oliver, praises volunteers

Amidst the fire, smoke and disruption of two major interface fires and hundreds of overnight evacuations, one thing has become very clear - the people of Oliver and Midway are some of the most resilient, generous and compassionate in British Columbia. Premier Christy Clark; Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource...

CBT gives $450,000 for Millennium Park expansion

Columbia Basin Trust has announced a $450,000 grant to support the City of Castlegar’s Millennium Park Phase 2 Project. The Phase 2 Project includes: Off-leash Dog Park; Active Recreation court area including two Beach Volley Ball courts; Tennis/Pickle Ball Court; improved access, parking and drop off areas that will service...

Fines for burning spike; new fine for off-leash dogs in city parks

The city is cracking down on illegal burning and off-leash dogs, with significant spikes in fines for the former and a brand-new fine created for the latter. Councillor Kevin Chernoff said the burning fines are an attempt to get people’s attention, as per Fire Chief Gerry Rempel’s suggestion, so they’ll stop creating situations...

LETTER: Canadian election system fundamentally undemocratic

What good can come of an election, where a fraudulent, discriminatory disconnection exists between the Canadian voter, and those who Rule? Canada, and its working class, at this moment are held in a death grip by traitorous political powers. Powers, which cannot be seen to be serving the interests of Canada’s popular majority,...

Trail and Beaver Valley reach recreation deal

The City of Trail and Beaver Valley (Fruitvale, Montrose and Area ‘A’) are pleased to announce they have successfully negotiated and approved a one-year recreation agreement that will take effect on September 1, 2015.  Beaver Valley will contribute $125,000 for the one-year term which will allow their residents to use Trail...

Electricity rates to go up next week

Electricity rates are set to increase next month, according to a press release issued by FortisBC this afternoon.The release reads as follows: FortisBC has completed its annual rates review with the BC Utilities Commission (BCUC) and has received approval from the BCUC for a 1.6 per cent increase effective August 1, 2015. The...

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