

Provincial health officer declares public health emergency due to rise in overdoses

A significant increase in drug-related overdoses and deaths has prompted provincial health officer Dr. Perry Kendall to declare a public health emergency. This is the first time the provincial health officer has served notice under the Public Health Act to exercise emergency powers. B.C. is the first province to take this...

Scholar to Discuss Violence and Islam at Selkirk College Mir Lecture Series Event

Beheadings, suicide bombings and civil war. Horrific attacks in Brussels and San Bernardino. There is no shortage of examples of the violence that rocks the Islamic world. Shocking pictures and gruesome acts done in the name of religion seem to appear daily on our news feeds. The media hammers the point home—that Muslim...

LETTER: Resident less-than-pleased with city's new garbage collection

So, what is everyone's honest opinion of Castlegar's new garbage bins and method of collection? I rent, so I don't even have my bin as of yet and garbage collection is this coming Wednesday. My landlords have requested one. I don't have anywhere to keep my garbage. If I put my old garbage can on the front patio, it is available...

Andrew Weaver's 'Bye Bye Jumbo Resort' Bill?

BC's lone Green Party MLA, Andrew Weaver, has been busy lately.  He has proposed Bill M214 — Local Government Amendment Act, 2016, which would amend the Local Government Act by repealing parts of Section 8. Those parts were passed by the BC Legislature in 2012, apparently for the sole purpose of creating more favourable...

City takes action to address unsightly nuisance property on main drag

The City of Castlegar is taking steps to address an unsightly and potentially dangerous property on Columbia Avenue, after a report offered at council's regular meeting Monday night by Director of Planning and Development Phil Markiin. “The 1067 Columbia Avenue property consists as one business constructed in 1950 and formerly...

City budget presentation offers highlights of 2016 budget and five-year financial plan

In a public open house Tuesday night at the Community Forum, the city unveiled its 2016 budget and five-year financial plan. City Director of Finance Andre Buss offered a presentation describing the city's three strategic priorities: Infrastructure Management and the maintenance of municipal infrastructure; the development ...

Mayor urges residents to attend city budget/financial plan unveiling

The City of Castlegar is announcing a public meeting to unveil the 2016 budget and the 2016-2020 five-year financial plan - and the mayor is strongly urging residents to attend. The city’s financial plan includes decisions about general operations, water utility, sewer utility, airport operations and a new proposal to create...

MP Richard Cannings pans federal budget

Canadians had high expectations for change but instead of help, this budget is marked by the Liberals backtracking on their promises to tackle inequality. In particular, breaking promises to First Nation children, just like so many previous Liberal and Conservative governments “Residents of South Okanagan — West Kootenay were...

Trail's new bridge to be named 'Columbia River Skywalk'

Columbia River Skywalk is the name that has been selected for the Pipeline/Pedestrian Bridge that is currently being constructed and will span the Columbia River from Rotary Park (west) to McQuarrie Street (east) in Trail. The name, submitted by Trail resident Glenn Schneider, was among the 80+ suggestions that were submitted...


Editorial Note:   In the column below,  Dermod Travis points out many instances of close correlation between large donations  by corporations to the Liberal Party of  BC and lucrative contracts awarded to  those corporations.  Now, as any scientist will tell us, correlation is not proof of causation -- but it's a good reason...

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