

Cannabis consumption geographical restrictions left out of Zoning Bylaw

The city won’t be determining where cannabis can be smoked in public before it heads to a public meeting on the Zoning Bylaw for regulating legalized cannabis, despite the urging of one councilor. Coun. Beverley Tripp asked Grand Forks city council to consider where cannabis could be consumed in public and to write it into ...

From The Hill: Questions needed answers before approving Trans Mountain Pipeline

The Trans Mountain Expansion pipeline has dominated news in the past few weeks.  The public is divided over whether we should build this pipeline and allow Alberta oil sands output to increase, or whether it presents too much risk to BC’s rivers and coastal environments. Many experts described the original project approval ...

From The Leg: Concerns about spending initiatives, ability to fund

April MLA Report Flooding: We are once again at the mercy of Mother Nature. An unusually high snow pack and heavy rains have again put many of you in harm’s way. I have met with all the agencies involved who are working around the clock to try and keep your homes and property safe. It is an uphill battle. The water table...

LETTER: In opposition to Kinder Morgan

To The Editor: I was appalled to hear that the Prime Minister intends to provide a Texas extraction company with billions of tax dollars to foist their dirty pipeline on a reluctant province.  First of all, the Trudeau government has no such mandate.  This government pledged to be a proactive partner in the fight against...

Column: From the Hill -- Air Travel and our Local Airports

Spring seems to want to take its own sweet time in coming back to the southern Interior, and with that the gray days of winter are gradually being replaced by sun.  That comes as good news for us all, including the travelers who rely on regular flights in and out of our local airports.  Winter is a time of frustrating...

City council to debate supporting 'yes' vote in upcoming recreation referendum

City Councillor Florio Vassilakakis, at last week’s regular council meeting, put his fellow councillors on notice that he intends to bring forward a motion at their next meeting on April 9 requesting they support a ‘yes’ vote in the June 23 referendum for recreation expansion. (See bottom of article for the Notice of Motion...

Castlegar & District Recreation Commission recommends reducing borrowing for Complex enhancements

At its meeting on March 5, the Castlegar and District Recreation Commission passed a resolution to reduce the amount of borrowing on enhancements to the Castlegar and District Community Complex to $22 million. The project is currently estimated to cost $32,370,000. The Commission would pursue grants and other sources of funding...

BC Government wants your opinion on ICBC rates

First, a bit of background.  ICBC is in dire financial straits. Back in 2016, ICBC applied to the BC Utilities Commission for permission to raise its rates by 4.9%.  This publication posted an article by Dermod Travis of Integrity BC on ICBC’s request. Travis unpicked the rationale for the proposed increase in rates, delved...

MP speaks to BC/Alberta angst

Pipeline politics have been in the news a lot over the past couple of weeks, as British Columbia and Alberta square off over Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain expansion project.  Both provincial governments are doing exactly what they promised to do when elected, so their positions are not surprising. But where is the federal ...

Survey sees majority approving almost $32.5 mill upgrade to Complex

The majority of survey respondents in Castlegar and area have voted for Complex upgrades estimated to cost $32,370,000 (Option B. For more information about facility options, visit https://myactivityhub.ca/the-project/facility-options/ ). In a press release issued today, the RDCK indicated that almost 1,200 households completed...

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