

ATAMANENKO: Genetically Engineered Salmon, not worth the risk to health or the environment

Aquabounty Technologies (AT), headquartered in the US, has genetically modified (GM) a faster growing Atlantic salmon by inserting a growth hormone gene from Chinook salmon and genetic material from the eel-like ocean pout. The company’s business plan is to produce genetically modified salmon eggs in Prince Edward Island...

Face-off for the provincial seat - candidates for NDP nomination debate

Fresh off the federal elections in May, with municipal elections set for November, political pundits anticipate that the provincial government will call their election sometime in the coming months. Taking steps to prepare for the eventual call to the polls, the Boundary-Similkameen New Democratic Party (NDP) Constituency...

Back to work for posties

Business as usual begins again today as Canada Post workers return to work under federal government legislation ending the lock-out that started two weeks ago after 12 days of rotating strikes.  In Grand Forks, everyone will be going to work at regular scheduled times and people should start to see mail in their boxes soon....

OP/ED: Province needs to insist that Prime Minister recognize dangers of asbestos

Premier Christy Clark should use her trip to Ottawa to insist the prime minister sign onto a United Nations document declaring asbestos a hazardous substance, say the New Democrats."Canada is the last remaining industrialized nation that doesn't officially consider asbestos a hazardous substance," said New Democrat health...

Premier's open letter about the Vancouver riots

An open letter to British Columbians from Premier ClarkBritish Columbians are understandably embarrassed and disappointed by Wednesday night's activities. It should have been a celebration of the tremendous effort by the Canucks in their playoff run. It turned into a shameful display of behaviour by people bent on violence....

NDP hopeful visits with local members in bid for provincial seat

New Democratic Party (NDP) nominee hopeful Marji Basso visited Grand Forks last week to learn about the town’s challenges, meet voters and talk about farming, family and health care in her bid for the Boundary-Similkameen constituency.  Basso met with a small group of NDP members on Friday, Jun. 10 at the Grand Forks Public...

LETTER: Yes means no, and no means yes

Dear Editor;If you’ve ever been a kid, you’ve most likely played the game where you switch the meaning of words. Well, Christy Clark has us, as adults, playing that game one more time.When you fill out your ballot question (which you will be receiving between June 13 through June 24) please make sure you understand the question....

LETTER: HST hits when you least expect it

Dear Editor;Last spring I decided to run a 10 kilometer run. I was very surprised when I realized that I had to pay harmonized sales tax (HST).The Liberal government was promoting people in B.C. to get out and get healthy and yet there was the HST on entering a run. Now with the referendum just around the corner they are...

Government proposes cutting HST to 10 per cent, with a condition

Talk about dangling the carrot.The Province is proposing to reduce the total HST rate to 10 per cent from 12 per cent in two stages, cutting the provincial portion by one percentage point to six per cent from seven per cent on July 1, 2012, and a further one percentage point reduction would take effect on July 1, 2014.And...

SUMMING IT UP: Grand Forks city council

The sale of 3.5 acres of land to Golden Life Management was approved by Grand Forks city council at their last meeting. Golden Life Management is a Cranbrook-based business building facilities and providing residential care for seniors. The bid on the property was received in early March with a “subject to” clause that the ...

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