

B.C. under threat from invasive mussels and freshwater parasites — B.C. Wildlife Federation

British Columbia’s fish populations and freshwater ecosystems are facing threats from a parasite that causes whirling disease in trout and salmon and two species of invasive mussels. The B.C. Wildlife Federation is deeply concerned that Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), FortisBC and BC Hydro are scaling back their support for invasive mussel surveillance in B.C. and […]

EDITORIAL: SOS about crime?

A media release arrived in my inbox, to publicize the message of a coalition of communities and businesses urging government to take more effective action to reduce crime. The coalition calls itself “Save Our Streets” — SOS.  Their message is a call “for all levels of government to coordinate their efforts and put an end […]

Column: Resolutions for a better 2024?

Did you make any New Year’s resolutions? Anyone resolve to help overthrow consumer capitalism? If we come together and resolve to do better for each other and the planet, we could find a better path. It would be easier if the gas, oil and coal industries and their supporters would resolve to clean up their […]

Health: Resistance (exercise) is far from futile

By Stuart Phillips, Professor, McMaster University, Ontario Everyone can agree that exercise is healthy. Among its many benefits, exercise improves heart and brain function, aids in controlling weight, slows the effects of aging and helps lower the risks of several chronic diseases.  For too long, though, one way of keeping fit, aerobic exercise, has been […]

History, society, and the individual

“I will be more myself in the next life.”                           —  Matsuko Matumaki This column asks the question: what is a sole person responsible for, and what is a society accountable for?   I’m fascinated by individuals’ “butterfly effect” in religious history. I’m distressed by Canadian society’s collective ignorance for understanding our history.  Crisis as opportunity […]

Column: Don't be cowed by climate science denial

Climate change shouldn’t be political. The evidence is there for all to see, and people everywhere are feeling the effects. Government leaders from every nation and ideology have signed agreements to address the crisis, and reputable organizations from the International Energy Agency to the World Bank have analyzed the necessity and benefits of acting quickly. […]

Op/Ed: We need to talk more about death

By Susan Srigley, Professor, Nipissing University.  This article first appeared in The Conversation. As a death doula and professor who teaches about dying, I see a need for more conversations about death. A growing number of folks may have heard of the death-positive movement, death cafés or death-friendly communities — each of which are animated by […]

COLUMN: 'Looking up' (or not) won't fix the climate crisis

By David Suzuki At the end of the film Don’t Look Up — in which a comet hurtling toward Earth serves as a blunt metaphor for the climate crisis — astronomy professor Randall Mindy (played by Leonard DiCaprio) says, “We really did have everything, didn’t we?” It’s true. This spinning ball of earth, water and […]

Newsletter from MLA/Minister Katrine Conroy

B.C. improving credential recognition for internationally trained professionals. Province held a fair credentials town hall with internationally trained professionals, key organizations and advocates to talk about progress made on international credential recognition in health care and the work being done to expand to all sectors of the economy. People come from all over to live in […]

OP/ED: BC's Explanations for Harmful Changes to Grizzly Bear Management Misleading

The Valhalla Wilderness Society (VWS) says the BC government is not being up front with the public about a major intended change to grizzly bear management. The proposed change is revealed in a draft Grizzly Bear Stewardship Framework that is currently under public review. Over fifty-five environmental groups and conservationists have signed an open letter […]