

FROM THE HILL: MP speaks to Pharmacare Act

Last week Canada took another major step forward truly universal healthcare with the tabling of the NDP’s Pharmacare Act.  When fully implemented this legislation will allow all Canadians to use their health card to obtain their prescription drugs, just as they use it to see a doctor or use hospital facilities.  And it will save Canada as […]

Column: Thoughts on science and spirituality

“There are two paths that you can go by, but in the long run – There’s still time to change the road you’re on.”  – Led Zeppelin, Stairway to Heaven “Science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind.” — Albert Einstein Paths to knowledge Until the seventeenth century in Europe, our human species […]

Weekly newsletter from MLA/Minister Conroy

This week, I returned to the legislature for a new session of presenting, debating, and passing legislation alongside my colleagues. In our first week, we presented our Throne Speech and 2024 Budget, sharing some of the priorities of our government for the year ahead. We know that people are facing challenges, like global inflation and high interest rates. […]

COLUMN: Good journalism and a healthy society

As someone who has enjoyed a long media career, including 44 years hosting CBC TV’s The Nature of Things, I understand how important robust media is to a thriving democracy. An informed public makes better decisions about everything from health care to voting. Some, unfortunately, see an informed public as a threat to their agendas. […]

COLUMN: David Suzuki reflects on science and its effects on our lives over his lifetime

I was trained to be a scientist. A book I cowrote with Tony Griffiths became the most widely used genetics text in the United States. But as I was beginning my career in Canada, I was struck by the priorities of newspapers and television. Whole sections and programs were devoted to politics, business, sports and […]

FROM THE HILL: Electric Vehicle Battery Recycling at Teck Resources Smelter

I’ve written in a previous column about the exciting developments in battery recycling in Trail. There, KC Recycling is one of western North America’s largest lead-acid battery recyclers and Cirba Solutions (formerly Retriev) is a major recycler of literally every other kind of battery. Both these businesses are important components of the circular economy we […]

COLUMN: Our people, our stories

“We all live in a network of stories. There isn’t a stronger connection between people than story-telling.” — J. N. Smith Reconciliation, after Truth is taught I have written in this column before about Truth and Reconciliation in Canada, most recently in the last Arc in December. I feel it’s a subject that I might […]

Column: What we aren't told about forest degradation and how to fix it

Canada is regarded as a country of spectacular nature, with magnificent forests. The boreal forest alone, stretching from Yukon to Newfoundland and Labrador, makes up 55 per cent of Canada’s land mass and is home to numerous plant and animal species and human communities. Listening to government, you could be forgiven for thinking that our […]

FROM THE HILL: MP speaks to Palestine/Israel war

For the past three and a half months the world has witnessed the devastating situation in Palestine and Israel. Since the horrifying Hamas terrorist attacks of October 7 and the beginning of this latest assault on Gaza by Israeli forces, tens of thousands of innocent people have been killed, of whom two-thirds are women and […]

MLA/Minister looks back on 2023

At the start of a new year, many of us take time to set goals and make plans for the months ahead. As MLA for Kootenay West, and Minister of Finance for the entire province, I know there is so much work to be done this year to make life better here and across B.C. […]