

Op/Ed: How B.C. quietly found a way to permit natural gas plants without environmental reviews

Internal documents released via Freedom of Information laws show that, while the B.C. government was publicly apologizing to the Fort Nelson First Nation for exempting natural gas plants from environmental assessments without consultation, the province quietly used a loophole to allow the exemptions to continue — a...

Column: Forestry issues

We’ve heard a lot in the news lately about the challenges facing the oil sector, but much less about the serious problems confronting another natural resource industry—forestry. Two years ago, the United States placed significant import tariffs on softwood lumber.  Those illegal tariffs are still in place, yet we hear almost...

Column: From the Hill -- Homelessness

In this coldest time of the year, we often think of the people in our area who are homeless.  Some have ended up on the streets and in rough camps because of mental health issues, addictions, or a combination of the two.  Some are children fleeing abusive parents or women fleeing abusive spouses; others have become disabled. ...

Letter: Legalized marijuana in the workplace

To The Editor: The advent of legalized marijuana has brought up an important issue to government and private sectors alike: the possibility of marijuana impairment in the workplace causing damage, financial loss, personal harm, or even death. The RCMP have a 28-day drying out period before officers can return to active duty....

Letter: No Canadian needs to face cancer alone

To The Editor: In light of the Greyhound bus lines reducing service in British Columbia, the Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) wanted to take the opportunity to reach out to any people living with cancer who may be impacted by this withdrawal of service. No matter where you live, CCS is here to ensure that no Canadian has to face...

RANT: The only time I've ever been ashamed of Castlegar

As I get older, I find there are fewer and fewer things I’m willing to get upset about – hence the lack of editorial rants of late. There is, however, one issue that has me so incensed, so appalled, so disgusted, so flat-out ashamed, that it’s taken me weeks to write about it without using some of the more colourful (and less...

Column: From the Hill -- the new Elections Modernization Act

This week the House of Commons passed Bill C-76, the Elections Modernization Act, the federal government’s answer to the so-called “Fair Elections Act” that the Conservatives enacted in 2014.  And although I and the rest of the NDP caucus voted in favour of the bill, I would say this bill is “a day late and a dollar short.”...

Letter: 100th anniversary of War Amps

To The Editor: As Remembrance Day approaches, I would like to pay tribute to the amputee veterans who founded The War Amps, which marks its 100th anniversary this year. On returning from the First World War, they came together to help each other adapt to their new reality. They then welcomed the next generation of amputee...

From The Leg: Busy times in Victoria

November MLA Report The Legislature has begun the fall sitting so I am back in Victoria until the end of November. As Opposition, it is our job to use question period to take the NDP government to task on its policies and political decisions especially in the areas of taxes and jobs. The policy of allowing only specific unions...

Letter: Please don't believe the lies.

To The Editor:   Would you vote for a party list without candidates? Of course, you wouldn't, and neither would anybody else. Of course, we will keep local representation under pro rep, and of course nobody will be 'appointed' an MLA unless we vote for them. How dumb do Liberal Party bosses think BC voters are that we would...

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