

Regional economic development service questioned

Two years after the reformation of the regional economic development service some directors are questioning if the committee’s work is going in the right direction. After hearing grumblings about the services overseen by the Boundary Economic Development Committee (BEDC), Chair and Regional Director for Area C, Grace McGregor,...

OP/ED: Big biotech may win in vote for non-GMO bill

New Democrat Agriculture Critic, Alex Atamanenko (British Columbia Southern Interior) is appalled at how Conservatives have slammed the door in farmers face and are ignoring their concerns over economic impact of genetically modified crops. After months of negotiation Conservative MPs abandoned a deal to allow the Agriculture...

Interfor previews new energy facility for Grand Forks

A proposal for a co-generation plant was unveiled on Monday in Grand Forks. For most of the city this was the first look at the power plant project that International Forest Products Ltd. (Interfor) is interested in building on their sawmill site. The 20 megawatt plant will deliver power and provide benefits to the company’s...

New regional chamber gets advice from Minister Black

Minister Iain Black, hosted by the City of Greenwood last week, rang in the new era for the regional chamber of commerce for the Boundary region last week. Black, Minister of Small Business, Technology and Economic Development (at the time) was on tour to recognize small business month in the province.   Black, accompanied ...

Small businesses recognized in the Boundary

Running a business often means hours of dedication, often with little pay, with a vision of success in the future – having regular income, sharing the joy of our work, and seeing satisfied customers. But once in a while it sure is nice to receive recognition.   At Community Future Boundary’s (CFB) annual business awards...

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