

LETTER: B.C. needs to fix its record of brutal inaction on poverty policy

Dear Editor, In response to Deb McIntosh’s recent letter re: the Community Harvest Food  Bank’s struggles to assist families and individuals living in poverty, we suggest it is high time that our wealthy province makes  some meaningful policy changes so that the families of one in five children in BC don’t have to be dependent...

LETTER: Condemning kindness makes no sense - spread it, instead

A flurry of letters and Facebook posts demanding we stop the Syrian refugee immigration and take care of our homeless and vets before refugees got us thinking. We have made donations to two school Christmas funds, the Nelson Food Cupboard, the Calgary Food Bank, the Calgary Mustard Seed, the Poppy Fund, the Canadian Red Cross,...

Head of Food Bank says local working families going hungry, homeless

Dear Premier Clarke, Katrine Conroy MLA, Richard Cannings MP, Prime Minister Trudeau, Castlegar Community Harvest Food Bank can no longer meet the needs of the working poor. We can not continue to rob Peter to pay Paul. We do not have the capacity to raise any more funds than we already do. We operate 100-per-cent on volunteers...

Letter: Do the Math

To the Editor: Dear Ms Stead: The Globe and Mail has just written off the Green Party of Canada as irrelevant as a result of the election numbers they have found. I suggest they do their sums again. In the three provinces where the Green Party have an elected MP and/or an elected MLA the results were as follows: British...

LETTER: Non-RF water metres are an option

Dear Editor,   Phase 2 of the universal water meter boondoggle is in progress… there were approximately 400 meters remaining to be installed. Here are a few things all residents and homeowners should know: Were you aware that all homeowners could get a water meter installed without the radio frequency (RF) feature? Apparently...

LETTER: Top two federal parties suppressing and oppressing working class Canada

Is The US Dollar Collapsing, or is it Not? There are three schools of thought on where the US dollar is headed, some say it will be dead before Sept. 2015  is over. Some believe it is business as usual, while a third group points to the US dollar as deflating. Now I’m a Canadian, and personally, I do not care who is right, ...

LETTER: City should check existing water metres

How much would it cost for the City of Grand Forks to test the accuracy of local industries' water meters? Last year, the CAO told me it would be too expensive. But, as far back as five years ago, expert engineering companies have been recommending this to our city. Why would our city be considering installing more water...

LETTER: Canadian election system fundamentally undemocratic

What good can come of an election, where a fraudulent, discriminatory disconnection exists between the Canadian voter, and those who Rule? Canada, and its working class, at this moment are held in a death grip by traitorous political powers. Powers, which cannot be seen to be serving the interests of Canada’s popular majority,...

LETTER: City in Conflict of Interest

Dear Editor, The video media tech recording council meetings is publicly discrediting and debasing our mayor. He published demeaning things about Councilor Butler (that she had him remove on the basis of Respectful Workplace policy). He openly states biased opinions about issues that intimately involve the city and its...

LETTER: Disclaimer and Caution -- Smart Meters

Public Service Announcement to Community Regarding Smart Meters In researching smart meters or Itron meters, I have learned there is a lot of misinformation circulated by email and available on the internet.  I continue to support only peaceful, legal and harmonious resolution of resident concerns about Itron smart meters. ...

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