

Letter: War Amps Key Tag Service

To The Editor: Most of us don’t realize how valuable our car keys are until we lose them. With remote starters and built-in unlock systems, keys are not as simple or cheap as they used to be, with many owners paying hundreds of dollars in replacement fees.    But for more than 70 years, The War Amps Key Tag Service has been...

Letter: Let's put an end to strategic voting

To The Editor: A strategy to end strategic voting: The political landscape in British Columbia has been plagued by polarized politics for as long as anyone can remember. Many voters find themselves voting to block something they despise and/or wasting their vote all together. The way out of this mess is to reform our voting...

LETTER: Taking a Longer Term Perspective of the BC Elections

Dear Editor: As we head to the polls on May 9, a question we should be considering is what type of world we want to leave for our children and grandchildren. Are we are doomed to go over the climate cliff – facing a world with ever increasing extreme weather, mudslides, catastrophic wildfires, and sea level rise? Or should ...

Letter: Not perfect, but still the best choice

To The Editor: The news from Alberta is that NDP Premier Rachel Notley has forbidden her staff from working for the BC NDP leading up to the May 9 election.  Even Notley, as an NDP Premier, realizes that the economic health of BC, Alberta and Canada depend upon the export of energy via safe, modern pipelines.  ...

LETTER: Canadian Federation of Students replies to Selkirk students

Selkirk Students Deserve Fair, Transparent and Democratic Referendum (On April 5) the Castlegar Source published a letter to the editor containing  misinformation about Selkirk College students' membership in the Canadian  Federation of Students. The letter leaves out some critical information that Selkirk students need to ...

LETTER: Canadian Federation of Students sues Selkirk College students

Students at Selkirk College have become embroiled in a legal battle for the right to vote about their membership in a national student group, according to Selkirk College Students’ Union Director at-Large Santanna Hernandez. “Students submitted a valid petition for a referendum on membership in the Canadian Federation of...

Letter: More funding not always the answer

To The Editor: More funding might help our seniors if they are in a publicly owned facility. A few more staff and maybe an extra therapist. But history shows that more funding has not improved the quality of care in "for profit" or even "non-profit" facilities. The taxpayers shelled out more money in 2010 when the client rate...

Letter: FortisBC works with customers experiencing high winter bills

To The Editor: As our customers know, the winter season brings higher electricity bills given the home heating energy requirements compared to the rest of the year. During the mid-December to mid-February billing period, many parts of our electricity service territory experienced much colder than usual winter temperatures. ...

LETTER: Selkirk students campaign against college tuition increases

Dear Editor, Since 2001, tuition has increased annually for Selkirk College students.. Last year alone, the cost of attending Selkirk College from the year previous to the current academic year jumped 6.6 per cent. Last year, tuition fees were introduced for adult basic education, which are high school courses taken at the ...

Letter: Would taxpayers approve?

To The Editor: The issue of problems with the quality of care in senior facilities has been widely reported in the last year which has been confirmed by the Senior Advocates Reports. As a result of these reports, the citizens of BC have been expecting some news of improvements concerning staffing levels, enforcement procedures...

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