

LETTER: Bruins show promise this season

Hockey fans you have to come to the rink!  We have a team here folks! Congratulations to team President Dave Grootjes and the Bruins Executive. I have been waiting for this for four years. Even though we lost our first game, there is lots of talent on the ice and huge potential for this season. Coach Deschenes has assembled...

LETTER: Quebec protests about much more than tuition

Greetings to you, my friends in the Rest of Canada (ROC)   I am writing you because i am really concerned that English Canada is not getting good information on what is happening right now in Québec.  Particularly lamentable is the CBC and the Globe and Mail.  And, apparently, Maclean’s.   You...

LETTER: Oberfeld way out of line, says local MP

Dear Editor, In reading the May 23 OPED “Pushing the West OUT of Canada” I was shocked at the hateful level of vitriol and misrepresentation being expressed by the author.  To suggest that NDP leader Tom Mulcair, or any other New Democrat MP would consider “screwing the West” to win seats in Eastern Canada is a slanderous...

LETTER: Got a fix that this province really needs? Try BC Ideas...

Do you have an idea or program that addresses the health, social or environmental challenges facing BC communities? Do you know someone who does? BC Ideas is an online competition that asks British Columbians to submit innovative ideas that address our province’s toughest social challenges. This collaborative competition is...

LETTERS: Paving is not the issue for regional trails

To the Editor: Thank goodness the Liberals made a good decision in refusing the application to pave a wonderful artery into nature.  We are not Cranbrook and this is not urban Grand Forks. Locals, British Columbians and people from all over the world, but especially Europeans, travel to enjoy the amazing experience of walking...

LETTER: Forests under threat

Dear Editor, When the movie Avatar made its debut, it caught the hearts of people everywhere as they empathized with the Navi, a people whose world and way of life was threatened by the intrusion of a huge profit-focused corporation. What most fail to realize is the very same thing is happening right now - here in the real ...

LETTER: Paving regional trails still the best option

Dear Editor: After reading the letters and responses regarding the proposed paving of the Trans Canada Trail between Grand Forks and Christina Lake, I feel compelled to respond. The Grand Forks Community Trails Society and the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary partnered in this project. While there have been a large...

LETTER: More at stake in education negotiations than just wages

To the Editor; Teachers in the Boundary are very upset and completely disillusioned with the Liberal government's attack on public education and basic union rights that have been fairly negotiated over the past few decades. To make it clear, teachers would much rather be in classrooms with students and only escalated their ...

LETTER: First Nations Summit withdrawal from Missing Women Commission of Inquiry

Your Commission appointed Robyn Gervais as Independent Legal Counsel for Aboriginal interests. We had no role or any say in this matter. She has now withdrawn as Independent Legal Counsel. We find it extremely disturbing that she has had to take this drastic step. The First Nations Summit applied for standing and was granted...

LETTER: Paving trails not the best choice for many reasons

To the Editor; I am writing to voice my opposition and conerns with the application under the Ministry's Community Recreation program by the RDKB Area D Regional Director to pave the Trans Canada Trail between Grand Forks and Christina Lake. My reasons are these: 1.  A good percentage of the trail lies within the City of Grand...

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