

Councillor Sue Heaton-Sherstobitoff speaks to fire chief debate

Dear Kyra: Thank you for writing a rebuttal with regard to the hiring of a second deputy fire chief and the Fire Chief as the airport manager. It certainly has ignited a lot of dialogue in our community – which is great. Almost a year ago, council debated the merits of hiring a second deputy fire chief during our budget...

Mediated talks between FortisBC & IBEW 213 break off

Any signs of optimism expressed with news that FortisBC and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 213 started mediation bargaining to end an already eight-week long lockout Wednesday short-circuited not long thereafter. FortisBC and IBEW Local 213 negotiators returned to the bargaining table in Vancouver...

Slocan residents rally to clean fuel spill on their own

In the aftermath of the jet fuel spill into Lemon Creek and the Slocan River, residents brainstormed to create their own solutions for clean up as Executive Flight Centre, whose tanker spilled 33,000 liters of jet fuel into Lemon Creek on July 26, some feel is neglecting to fully clean up their mess. On Aug.12, residents...

Greenwood residents hear at meeting Marshall Lake still scheduled for decommissioning

The future of Marshall Lake was the topic of the hour when a group of concerned Boundary residents met with ministry staff in Greenwood, June 26. The Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations made a presentation at MacArthur Centre to a group of about 25 locals and stakeholders. After doing studies on the...

Christina Lake residents say they aren't interested in a shared sewer system

After hearing concerns about the water quality at Christina Lake, Grace McGregor, the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB) Area C Director, decided to pass out a survey so residents could voice their opinions on the issue. Most people seem happy with the current set-up. Some individuals have invested a significant ...

COMMENT: Spinning out of control?

 It can hardly come as a surprise to anyone that governments – like corporations – employ spin to portray their actions in the best possible light (and to cast their opponents in the worst possible light). Nor is it news that many corporations – and the PR companies they employ – operate a revolving door for helpful politicians....

COMMENT: Parents need to take action to prevent cyberbullying

Like most parents in Canada, I have grieved for Rehtaeh Parsons, the 17-year-old teenager that committed suicide April 7 after being sexually assaulted two years ago. After the assault, she was cyberbullied until her breaking point. As a parent, this terrifies me. I know I am in way over my head. Every parent feels that “kids...

OP/ED: WHO REALLY OWNS CITY HALL 4: Referendum Exemptions

My last column gave examples of referendum procedures with less than democratic consequences and of a two-stage referendum process which conforms to the principles of the Yukon’s Municipal Act. In this column we will examine the rationale for the Act’s exclusion of two politically sensitive issues, budget and taxes, from the...

COMMENT: Timber sales will degrade an already devastated North Fork

The landscape surrounding the Granby and Gladstone Parks has been totally fragmented by logging and road building. That’s the stark message conveyed in the satellite map released today by Friends and Residents of the North Fork. Logging roads have opened up motorized access to Granby Provincial Park and, in effect, the Park...

Busy Saturday Afternoon for Fire Department

This Saturday was a busy one for the Grand Forks Fire Rescue service. While many people were enjoying their Easter long weekend they were busy helping to control stubble fires that were in danger of becoming out of control and threatening infrastructure and homes. At one point they had to respond to 2 separate incidents at ...

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