

Atamanenko spends time with constituents

Taking advantage of the prorogued Parliament, MP Alex Atamanenko spent some time in Grand Forks meeting with constituents. During the day on Jan. 14, Atamanenko met with community members at the Grand Forks Public Library in open sessions. In separate meetings, he spent time with both the agriculture society and the medical...

Going to the O Zone

With close to 350,000 tourists expected to descend upon Vancouver, Whistler and Richmond for the 2010 Winter Olympic Games, the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB) joined forces with the rest of the Kootenays to proudly display local attractions at the O Zone. The display and the volunteers who are helping promote...

Whooping cough outbreak in Kootenay Boundary

Interior Health Authority is taking steps to address an outbreak of pertussis (Whooping Cough), as 19 cases have been diagnosed in the Kootenay Boundary in the last eight weeks.“This is a higher number of cases of whooping cough than we would normally see”, said Dr. Rob Parker, Interior Health Medical Health Officer. “In...

Phoenix Foundation calls for proposals

As the economic recovery begins to take hold, the Phoenix Foundation once again finds itself in a position to provide grants to the community. This year following a highly successful review of the Foundation’s Community Vital Signs Project, the Phoenix Foundation will be supporting those grant requests in the three priority...

House fire doused while Olympic torch burns

While the Olympic Torch Relay celebrations were well underway, the Grand Forks Fire Department was busy dousing another flame. A small house fire broke out at 557 - 72 Ave. The department responded quickly, and had the fire under control in about 15 minutes once they were on the scene according to fire chief Blair MacGregor."It...

2010 Paralympic athletes to receive keepsake from Grand Forks residents

Letter to the Editor:Each of the 652 Paralympic Athletes from around the world will receive a HandyHeart from Grand Forks, B. C., before the 2010 winter Paralympic Games March 12 - 21.Each of these HandyHearts is a hand-crafted, unique, wearable piece of art, made of recycled glass, fused at over 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit....

BUSINESS FEATURE: Contact Photo on the move

Big changes are happening for businesses on Market Ave. in Grand Forks - Value Drug Mart is taking on the photo business. Contact Photo that is. As Bill and Sandra Wilby take their next steps towards retirement after 27 years running their successful photography store, Carol and Dave Lajoie are excited to be moving Contact ...

Call for nominations for International Women's Day

Every year the Boundary Women’s Coalition takes time to honour women in the Boundary communities who are outstanding. Not outstanding to them, but outstanding to their friends, the community and anyone who chooses to nominate them. Nominees are recognized on International Women’s Day, March 6, 2010.The Coalition would like ...

Storytime at Kocomo's coming soon

Becoming a grandmother has certainly put a delightful spin on Susan Klarner’s life. One outcome is Story Time at Kocomo’s, a free event being launched on Saturday, Feb. 6 at 11:30 a.m. featuring storyteller JJ Henderson.Kids get to sit on the Story Time mat in the “Chocolate Room” at the back of the coffee shop and have hot...

Cannabiz premiers tonight on CBC

Cannabis is the word of the week as the premier of the documentary two years in the making hits the airwaves tonight on CBC. The show, Cannabiz, follows the evolution of the marijuana culture and industry in the Grand Forks area from the mom and pop growers to the more criminalized elements evident today. Cannabiz highlights...

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