
Phoenix Foundation calls for proposals

By Contributor
February 3rd, 2010

As the economic recovery begins to take hold, the Phoenix Foundation once again finds itself in a position to provide grants to the community. This year following a highly successful review of the Foundation’s Community Vital Signs Project, the Phoenix Foundation will be supporting those grant requests in the three priority areas that residents have identified: health and wellness, environment and work.

The Phoenix Foundation’s website (www.phoenix-foundation.net) has information for donors and grant seekers. It also provides information about the purpose of the foundation, contact information and archival data on past grants.

In addition to our usual ‘What We Fund’ criteria, proposals that seek to address root causes (causes of causes) of issues are sought and/or proposals that demonstrate upstream thinking (see description on the Phoenix Foundation’s website under “Grant Seekers”).
 We will be looking for cross-sector collaboration, partnerships, holistic thinking and leveraging of other dollars.
The deadline for letters of intent is: February 28, 2010.

The complete Vital Signs Report for the Boundary communities is available on the Phoenix Foundation website (click on Boundary Vital Signs and follow the links for a pdf download.)

Assets for the foundation are slowly recovering to pre-recession levels and a big thanks of acknowledgment is due to the foundation”s many individual and corporate donors and sponsors. The donations received are invested and the grants represent interest paid on the investment. The principal is never touched and the grants are made from the interest available to organizations in any given year.

The Phoenix Foundation has a cadre of community financial advisors that can assist you with your estate and tax planning needs. For more information about how your tax planning and philanthropic needs can quickly be addressed, please contact your financial advisor or Roland Krueger our Director of Fund Development, at (250) 447-2396, or (roland_krueger@telus.net.)

Categories: General