New York legalizes same-sex marriage
The New York State Legislature passed a bill Friday that legalizes same-sex marriage in the state. It was signed into law by Democratic governor Andrew Cuomo. New York now becomes the sixth and largest U.S. state with legalized same-sex marriage. The practice is legal in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire,...
Back to work for posties
Business as usual begins again today as Canada Post workers return to work under federal government legislation ending the lock-out that started two weeks ago after 12 days of rotating strikes. In Grand Forks, everyone will be going to work at regular scheduled times and people should start to see mail in their boxes soon....
Mail expected to start moving by Tuesday
West Kootenay and Boundary residents should see letters, cheques, and those dreaded bills, flowing to their residences by Tuesday after the Conservative government pushed through back-to-work legislation during the weekend.Following a one-day marathon session in the House of Commons, the Senate passed the Canada Post back-to-work...
OP/ED: Province needs to insist that Prime Minister recognize dangers of asbestos
Premier Christy Clark should use her trip to Ottawa to insist the prime minister sign onto a United Nations document declaring asbestos a hazardous substance, say the New Democrats."Canada is the last remaining industrialized nation that doesn't officially consider asbestos a hazardous substance," said New Democrat health...
Hike Observation Mountain as part of your Canada Day
Last year, 26 people and four dogs climbed Observation Mountain as a celebration of Canada Day. It was a happy group of youth, novices and walkers - all were proud of their achievement. This year the third annual climb is planned with three routes: Easy from Copper Ridge – 1.6km and 182m/597ft; Medium from Barbara Ann Park ...
Canada Post lockout could be short lived after Conservative government announces legislation to end dispute
Postal workers from Local 790 took to the streets of Nelson Monday, joining union brothers and sisters from across Canada, to walk the picket line in search of a better contract.However, the letter carriers and inside workers may not be on the street long after the Harper government announced legislation in the house Monday...
LETTER: Atamanenko replies to Yelich
Dear Editor;It is with interest that I read the comments of Minister Lynne Yelich in regard to my statement on the budget. Rather than reiterate what I had originally said, I would like to make a few other comments. It is certainly reassuring that Western Diversification will continue to provide effective programs. However,...
Premier's open letter about the Vancouver riots
An open letter to British Columbians from Premier ClarkBritish Columbians are understandably embarrassed and disappointed by Wednesday night's activities. It should have been a celebration of the tremendous effort by the Canucks in their playoff run. It turned into a shameful display of behaviour by people bent on violence....
NDP hopeful visits with local members in bid for provincial seat
New Democratic Party (NDP) nominee hopeful Marji Basso visited Grand Forks last week to learn about the town’s challenges, meet voters and talk about farming, family and health care in her bid for the Boundary-Similkameen constituency. Basso met with a small group of NDP members on Friday, Jun. 10 at the Grand Forks Public...
Open house shows off facility's value to community
Community members had the chance to view Broadacres Care Facility on the weekend as owner Rod Gustafson prepares to sell the buildings after losing a bid to provide care under the Interior Health Authority (IHA). Gustafson opened the facility’s doors to the public so they can see first hand the quality of the renovations...