

Fundival 2011: evening of fire and ice was a CLAAS act

Fundival patrons were treated to an evening of all things art, with benefits directed toward the Christina Lake Arts & Artisans Society (CLAAS) last week.   The annual fund raising event is dedicated to the continuing development of the Christina Living Arts Centre. You may ask, ‘Well, isn’t the Christina Living Arts...

GALLERY 2: Connections materialized at exhibition opening

A celebration of contemporary craft and art created by 24 artists who teach and work at the Kootenay School of the Arts at Selkirk College in Nelson is the upcoming exhibition at Gallery 2. The curriculum at the Kootenay School of the Arts includes four areas of study- metal, clay, fibre, jewelry and small object design along...

Sumner Brothers play under the stars for two shows

Vancouver musicians the Sumner Brothers take the open air stage with the return of the Starlight Saloon next week.   For three years running the Starlight Saloon has delivered entertaining shows for Grand Forks audiences in the most beautiful setting in the Boundary, and this year promises to be one of the best yet! The fourth...

Why the BC Liberal government doesn't value your life

There are many instances I've come across in the past number of years which suggest to me the Campbell/Clark Government places no real value on the lives of its citizens - this despite Premier Clark's "families first" motto. That's a bold claim, I know - which is why I'm going to state my case here, drawing on several specific...

Norweigian police lower death toll in massacre

Norwegian police have revised their estimate of total deaths in Friday's attacks on Oslo and Utøya, now reporting that an estimated total of 76 people were killed, rather than the 93 previously reported. Of these, 68 were in Utøya and eight were from the bombing in Oslo. The police have not yet been willing to give a final ...

BUSINESS FEATURE: Food, ice cream, and antiques all in one at the Ol' Swimming Hole

Just in time for the long awaited summer sun, this Grand Forks staple has re-opened not a moment too soon. Beat the heat with a slushie in the shade, a dip into the Kettle River or enjoy barbequed lunches before a viewing of antique collectibles. With options for everyone, The Olde Swimmin’ Hole is well worth the trip to 9 ...

Fibre art takes many forms at upcoming festival

Artisans who work with fibre will be sharing their techniques and knowledge at the first fibre festival in Grand Forks as a part of the Kettle River Festival of the Arts in August.   What is a fibre festival? There will be three days of workshops taught by artisans from B.C., Alberta and Washington State. Some of the courses...

Referendum questions set for $5.5 million in borrowing

Referendum questions to allow for $5.5 million in borrowing for infrastructure projects passed three readings at Grand Forks council on Monday night in preparation for the upcoming fall election.  Following their special meeting held on Jul. 11 where councillors reviewed the financial plan for infrastructure upgrading, two ...

Summer is for eating pie and enjoying the sun - Boundary style at Pie in July

What could be better than enjoying the sun and eating home-made pie? Well, over 120 people attended the Boundary Museum’s first ever Pie in July event held last Saturday at the museum’s new home, the Fructova Heritage Site to do just that.The pie and July idea was conceived last year by summer students, Allie and Stepan. It...

LETTER: B.C.'s senior's care program needs to be overhauled

Dear Editor;  As one of the nominees for the New Democratic Party (NDP) I have been out talking to the membership and the public about seniors care in this province.  British Columbia has the highest poverty rate in Canada. One in nine people in this province live in poverty and many of them are seniors.  We have had a 30...

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