

Interfor fire leaves minor damage

Damage to the Grand Forks sawmill was limited when fire teams quickly contained flames ignited by demolition work on Tuesday, Dec. 20. The fire broke out in the early morning at International Forest Products Ltd. (Interfor), said Blair McGregor, fire chief for the City of Grand Forks.  "They were taking out some of the old ...

REVIEW: Choral show kept audience enthralled

I define a great theater production by how well it transports me into another time and space.  If I leave the building spell-bound, shaking off the cobwebs from my virtual trip as I put on my jacket, then I am happy.  The 23rd annual Grand Forks Choral Society's Christmas production, on Saturday, Dec. 10 and Sunday, Dec. 11...

Twelve ways to a greener Christmas

Want to inspire your true love with earth-friendly gift ideas? Do you already have a partridge in a pear tree or seven swans a swimming? This holiday season – try giving the gift of green with these hints from the Ministry of Environment:  If you get a small appliance for the holidays, don’t forget to recycle the old one...

New board gets down to business

An eager group of new and experienced trustees met for their first official monthly education board meeting at the Boundary School District board offices in Grand Forks on Tuesday.  The evening started off with a welcome to the new trustees and a wish list from Boundary District Teachers' Association representative Norm...

High school student files human rights complaint over politics of sports

A 16-year-old high school student launched a human rights complaint against B.C. School Sports and the Ministry of Education for discrimination after losing his chance to play volleyball this year.   Myles Christman, from Christina Lake, B.C., was ruled ineligible for competitive team play this year by B.C. School Sports...

New employment options will launch in 2012

A new provincial employment program will launch in April of 2012 and Community Futures Boundary will head the services across the region.  In February 2010, the Ministry of Social Development tendered the contract to deliver the new Employment Program of British Columbia. This new program  will replace ten existing provincial...

RUSSIA: "Why are Russians protesting now?"

On Saturday December 10, 2011, the world watched the biggest protests Russia has seen since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. It has been almost exactly 20 years since Christmas Day in 1991 when power passed from Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev to Russian President Boris Yeltsin. It is believed that Yeltsin did not...

Credit union launches new product

Grand Forks Credit Union (GFCU) announced that Qtrade Financial Group (Qtrade) is their new partner for comprehensive wealth management services, including mutual fund dealer and online brokerage services.  The official transition of their mutual fund dealer took place December 1, 2011. Online brokerage services will be...

Xiao Zhang Case:BC courts GUILTY of contempt

If only BC courts showed the same respect for the courts and the legal system that they demand--or least hope--of us. But they don’t. BC judges and BC courts have often made a complete mockery of our laws, the justice system and the citizenry’s expectations to see justice done and be protected from the evil that dwell among...

OP/ED: Clark and Bond wrong on public, wrong on electoral finance reform

The BC Liberal government may have committed itself to transparency, new ideas and engaging with British Columbians in its October 3rd Throne speech, but according to IntegrityBC the memo doesn't seem to have quite reached every minister. The non-partisan organization was reacting to a letter it received from Attorney General...

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