

Local provincial NDP candidate supports equality through modest means

Leader Adrian Dix told the BC New Democratic Party’s (NDP) 50th anniversary convention that inequality is the defining issue of our time and outlined the NDP’s priorities for when it forms government in 2013.“We have to address inequality by getting the fundamentals of our society and economy right, like education and training...

Library welcomes new board member

The Grand Forks Public Library Association Board of Trustees has appointed Mary Butterfield to the library board for a term ending in 2013. The Board of trustees for the Grand Forks Public Library Association governs the Grand Forks and District Public Library and is responsible for the overall governance of the library. The...

LETTER: Help us fight poverty in our community

Although the holiday season is in full swing there will be no bright lights and colourful presents for many in our community, and in the region.  There are hundreds of poor children and families in the Kootenay / Boundary area who won’t be going to the grocery store with the cash to enjoy the annual rite of holiday shopping...

BUSINESS FEATURE: Ron Wyers rides the current in the air and on land

Ron Wyers loves to fly -- the freedom to travel, the speed of getting places and for the pure thrill of floating above it all.  But what is even better about Wyers is his business sense.  Wyers, 64, has been building, maintaining and modifying aircraft out of his Grand Forks shop, Western Aviation, since 2001. Western Aviation...

New complex will house seniors with style

For an area where estimates show that nearly 50 percent of the local population will be over 65 in 10 years, the new Silver Kettle Village retirement community is being welcomed by many.  Golden Life Management started construction on their new Grand Forks seniors’ village this fall located near the Grand Forks recreation...

Hope is always present with the Christmas spirit of giving

Many local organizations receive attention and donations at Christmas time, helping them to continue their important community work. This year, for example, Whispers of Hope welcomed the contribution from Beta Sigma Phi Sorority, Xi Gamma Nu chapter, whose elves came bearing food donated by the chapter’s members.   Each year...

EDUCATION: Board considers sexual orientation policy

In light of national news coverage on children with different sexual orientations being bullied, committing suicide or self-mutilating, the School District 51 board of education (SD51) has decided to create their own policy protecting students and staff in local schools.  "I think (a sexual orientation policy) has to do with...

US Congress moves toward tougher stand on pipeline safety--but is it enough?

By Lena Groeger in ProPublica A bill to strengthen pipeline safety regulations passed the House and Senate last week and now awaits President Obama’s signature. But while many applaud Congress’s move toward more oversight, others question whether the impending law goes far enough to prevent oil and natural gas pipeline...

Responses to the death of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Il

North Korean dictator, Kim Jong-il, died on December 17, 2011, from a heart attack. North Korean state television has shown North Koreans mourning and sobbing hard at the news. There are looming concerns that the death of Kim Jong-il could destabilize the Korean peninsula; the country's military has reportedly conducted...

Border security deal's ugly twin carries major energy and environmental implications for Canada

The Harper government officially announced in recent weeks a new Border Security deal with the US. However, little press space was given to the ugly twin of this deal - the Canada-United States Regulatory Cooperation Council (RCC) and their "Joint Action Plan". The RCC was set up to "streamline" regulations in four economic...

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