
Local provincial NDP candidate supports equality through modest means

By Contributor
December 29th, 2011

Leader Adrian Dix told the BC New Democratic Party’s (NDP) 50th anniversary convention that inequality is the defining issue of our time and outlined the NDP’s priorities for when it forms government in 2013.

“We have to address inequality by getting the fundamentals of our society and economy right, like education and training and ensuring B.C. resources create jobs here in B.C.”

“I’m going to be clear. I’m going to be bold. But I’m going to be modest in my agenda, recognizing that we cannot accomplish everything in the first term of government” said Dix.

An example Dix gave was using the carbon tax to be redistributed for environmental projects, as well as increasing corporate tax rate back to 2008 levels in order to finance some of the initiatives that will affect the middle class and families.

Marji Basso, BC NDP candidate for Boundary Similkameen, who attended the convention couldn’t agree more.

“The optimism, excitement, and more importantly, the conviction to get BC back on track was truly inspiring,” she said. Basso also stated, “People have reached their breaking point where they will no longer stand aside and accept poor decisions and irresponsible actions by our current government.”

Dix decried cynicism in politics, such as the Liberals’ handling of the harmonized sales tax, the federal crime bill and the Canada Europe Trade Agreement (CETA) currently being negotiated.

“Under CETA, drug companies will receive even more patent protection to pad their profits,” said Dix, giving an example. “It is wrong to reward drug companies with approximately $250 million a year of health care dollars that could be used to fund urgently needed improvements to our system.”

Basso raised further concerns of rural communities and a lack of representation as well as support at a Provincial level.

“Our schools, families, farmers, and forestry sector are in serious jeopardy and they seem to be on no one’s radar. There is a sense of urgency as our communities have reached their breaking point. We need real solutions to rural health care, to rural school funding, to job creation with our natural resources, and support for our agricultural sector. We can’t afford to wait any longer, 12 years has been long enough.”

Basso also put forward a resolution specifically relating to the Okanagan Similkameen that was endorsed by the 700 members in attendance at the convention. The resolution calls for improving and promoting food security and resolved that the BC NDP support BC’s local agricultural industry by reinstating Buy BC and developing a long term food security plan. It also included the review of policies and programs, like the meat inspection regulation, to ensure they support local production and local markets.

Throughout the convention Adrian Dix and his team reinforced their plan to address the economy, bring sustainability, and ensure equality for the people of British Columbia. Basso echoed Dix stating, “Together we need to be active, get motivated, and bring about change for rural communities and our province.” 

Categories: GeneralPolitics