


  For those of you who missed Beginners, presented by Spotlight films in November, I would like to suggest you watch it when you can. It is a very funny and sweet film with excellent performances by Christopher Plummer and Ewan McGregor and a very talented supporting cast including a cerebrally developed Jack Russel Terrier...

Museum short $80,000 for coming year

Society directors came to Grand Forks city council Monday night seeking a commitment of $80,000 for the survival of the Boundary Museum. Christine Thompson, past city councillor and director with the museum, attended the council meeting along with fellow board members to present their case on Jan. 23. The society submitted ...

Snow hampered this year's Rail Trail 200 Dog Sled Race

While extreme snow and difficult terrain hampered Grand Fork's annual Rail Trail 200 Dog Sled Race -- Friday, Jan. 20 to Sunday, Jan. 22 -- two mushers came out on top. Steve Mullen of Clearwater, B.C. walked away with the top spot in the 12-dog 200 mile (322 km) race, $3,000 and a trophy for his effort. The eight-dog 100...

CST calls upon medical experts in BC to oppose Smart Meters

Citizens for Safe Technology Society (CST) has launched a Human Rights action against BC Hydro requesting accommodation of individuals refusing a wireless "smart meter" for health reasons. These are persons with a variety of health concerns ranging from cancer to heart problems, from seizures to electrosensitivity, and who ...

SUMMING IT UP: Greenwood City Council

The second Greenwood City Council meeting of the new year was on Monday, Jan. 23. The following is a collection of issues they discussed at that meeting. City of Greenwood's new office hours To try and accomodate more people the City of Greenwood will be changing their office hours. As of March 1 the city office will be opened...

Inside Romney’s tax returns: A reading guide

In response to growing pressure from voters and competitors, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney released 550 pages of tax returns Tuesday, covering two years of income. As one of the richest men ever to run for President, Romney's filings are enormously complex, and the subject of close scrutiny. News organizations...

POLICE BEAT: Thief caught and sent packing to Trail

A 26-year-old man from Trail was caught by Grand Forks RCMP after a rash of petty break-ins and thefts had Riverside residents feeling uneasy. Zachery Shobolm arrived in Grand Forks around Thursday, Jan. 12 according to Grand Forks RCMP. By Sunday, Jan. 15 he had allegedly commited his first crime and by Friday, Jan. 20 Grand...

Join in the week-long fun for family literacy

Celebrate a love of learning while spending some quality family time at four Family Literacy Day events planned for the Boundary this week.   Family Literacy Day, Jan. 27, has been a national awareness initiative held annually since 1999. According to the event creator, ABC Literacy Canada (abclifeliteracy.ca LINK), more than...

Fukishima nuclear disaster - one year later

A group of Canadian and American physicians, concerned about public health are organizing a one day conference to explore the potential health and environmental impacts from the troubled reactors in Fukushima and highlight the need for better monitoring and disclosure.The conference, The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster – One Year...

Update: Suspected hit-and-run driver being questioned by police

Castlegar RCMP have seized a vehicle in connection with a hit-and-run accident Sunday night, and a 78-year-old man is being questioned in relation to the matter, according to RCMP Sgt. Laurel Mathew. "He came down to the detachment this morning," she said. "The investigation is a complex one, and is ongoing."   Police responded...

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