

New meat inspection program planned for B.C. by 2014

The Province has completed a comprehensive review of options for provincially operated meat inspection services at Class A and B licensed abattoirs. This ensures that B.C. continues to provide the most effective, safe meat inspection system possible when the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) steps back from this role. ...

Rice uses home course knowledge to steal thunder from World’s best riders at Red Bull Supernatual

By Bruce Fuhr, The Nelson Daily First find a location and then build a course. For those keeping score at home the North Face at Balface Lodge near Nelson just happened to be the place of choice. Lobby a major sponsor to bank roll the event before inviting a few friends, who just happen to some of the best boarders in the...

SUMMING IT UP: Grand Forks City Council

  Short, on topic council meetings seem to be the trend for the new Grand Forks team and their last meeting was no exception. City signs Council renewed their commitment to the Grand Forks Rotary Club’s project to create a welcome sign for the city. After several committee meetings, the design has been re-worked and they...

Health organizations launch anti-pesticide campaign

Leading health organizations today launched BC’s first ever anti-pesticide advertising campaign – a major newspaper blitz that urges all British Columbians to support a lawn and garden pesticide ban. Health organizations endorsing the campaign include the Canadian Cancer Society, the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, the...

4H not just for farm kids in Grand Forks

A new 4H club with nine exciting projects has started up in Grand Forks this year. The former Boundary Bit N' Bridle 4H Club, which had only horse projects, has morphed into a larger multi project club called the Boundary Multi 4H Club. "Not everyone has access to horses and livestock so now they too can be involved in 4H,"...

LETTER: Exploration permits might just be a way around environmental review

Open letter to the Ministry of Natural Resources, Forestry and Lands, Mr. Pryce and Mr. Hendrickson, I sent an email yesterday opposing the proposed granite mine exploration.  I mentioned the existing popular trail (four seasons) that will be ruined, and the proximity to the Granby river. After more review of the application,...

REVIEW: New version of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo near perfect

Avid readers are often disappointed when they go to see a screen version of their favourite books. I was introduced to the nearly viral, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, by Swedish novelist Stieg Larsson, and its following novels by my mother and quickly consumed the book in its entirety. So it was with trepidation that I...

US reduces claim against alleged B.C. Softwood timber violations

Madison's Lumber Reporter has learned that the United States' claim against Canada, for alleged subsidies on British Columbia's timber stumpage rates, has been reduced from US$499 to US$303.6 million. In the American rebuttal of Canada's defense, which was filed on Dec. 23, 2011 but only made public this week, the U.S. Trade...

Grand Forks Fall Fair cautiously optimistic to find own property

After more than 40 years looking for a permanent home, the City of Grand Forks is now actively looking for a property for the Grand Forks and District Fall Fair. On Friday Jan. 27 a steering committee made up of members from the Grand Forks City Council, met with members of the Grand Forks and District Fall Fair Society...

Bow down Canadians, corporations are king

Two recent stories out of Ottawa underline the ongoing political and economic assault on ordinary Canadians. More Canadians are now working for low wages than at any time in decades, continuing a trend that began in the early 1990s, and Stephen Harper has announced major changes to retirement benefits — including delaying Old...

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