

Initial nephelometer studies show dust and exhaust source of poor air quality in Grand Forks

Dust from farmer's fields and roads, exhaust from large trucks, construction and tourist traffic, and open burning cause for spikes in particulate matter readings during the first two months of the year-long Nephelometer Study in Grand Forks, according to a report. Last week Wayne Kopan, manager of environment and building ...

Fortis employees set to strike

FortisBC received 72-hour notice from the Canadian Office and Professional Employees Union (COPE) Local 378 today. FortisBC will be applying to the BC Labour Relations Board to have some electricity work functions designated as essential. No job action can take place until an approved essential services order is in place. The...

BC mayors met at the annual local government gathering in Victoria

Mayors from across BC met in Victoria today to examine the challenges of BC’s communities and to share best practices in moving forward. On the topic of infrastructure the 140 member strong BC Mayors’ Caucus endorsed the following statement: “We agree that our communities require immediate action to provide stable, predictable,...

Compost collection starts city-wide next week

Bright green garbage cans have been popping up on doorsteps all over Grand Forks this past week as a sign of a new approach in local garbage collection -- the Foodscraps Collection program. While some residents give praise for the efforts to curb garbage volumes, others are not impressed. For the past eight months residents...

Beaverdell Elementary, Christina Lake Elementary to get more support

Beaverdell Elementary School's one teacher, Jennifer Eaton, will be getting some extra help. Earlier this month, Eaton along with Parent Advisory Council president Michelle Kreitz told the School District 51 Board of Education that it was unacceptable to have Eaton working alone now the teaching assistant has been removed...

Council of Canadians calls for fracking ban in lead-up to Global Frackdown

Ottawa – On the eve of the Global Frackdown – the Council of Canadians is calling for a ban, or at the very least a moratorium, onfrackingfrom coast to coast. The Council points to the fact that evenanalysts of the industryhave acknowledgedthat fracking fluids won’t be safe for human consumption within the next five years, ...

LETTER: Bruins show promise this season

Hockey fans you have to come to the rink!  We have a team here folks! Congratulations to team President Dave Grootjes and the Bruins Executive. I have been waiting for this for four years. Even though we lost our first game, there is lots of talent on the ice and huge potential for this season. Coach Deschenes has assembled...

CUPE Local 2262 sets up information pickets lines at NDCC

Talks have been replaced with information pickets after bargaining between the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) and CUPE Local 2262 broke down Friday. Unionized staff at the Nelson and District Community Complex set up information picket lines outside the entrance to the pool entrance Friday at 4 p.m. As this was...

Annual count shows Grand Forks deer numbers stabilizing

This week's annual deer count showed a stable but declining population. The count on Tuesday, Sept. 18 came up with 154 deer living within the Grand Forks city limits. That is down from last year's 179. "We're seeing the deer level out -- they seem to have peaked," said Cher Wyers, Grand Forks councillor while chairing the ...

BREAKING NEWS: Owl Mountain Fire expanded, water bombers on site

UPDATED: Fire under control, has expanded to more than 10 acres on Owl Mountain A small half-acre wildfire has turned into more than a 10 acre blaze on Owl Mountain, located south of the Cascade Border crossing in Christina Lake. Crews from Colville, Washington have been monitoring the blaze since it began last week from a ...

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