

Kokanee fish making a comeback in Christina Lake

When Brenda LaCroix, project manager for the Christina Lake Stewardship Society, watches an underwater video of the Kokanee salmon swimming in Sandner Creek she can’t help but feel optimistic. Five years ago the wriggling, glinting red bodies of the Kokanee salmon were not so dense or plentiful in our waters.  But thanks to...

POLICE BEAT: Christina Lake Fire Rescue Department called out three times for same accident

A rolled over semi-trailer on the Paulson Summit created quite a commotion for local firefighters over the weekend when they were called out to respond three times for the same accident. “We went on a wild goose-chase three times,” said Christina lake Fire Rescue Department fire chief Ken Gresley-Jones. The semi-trailer loaded...

Boundary residents share in the Defend the Coast action this week

The Boundary-Similkameen is joining communities across BC in a province-wide Defend Our Coast day of action to show growing opposition to the risks posed by tar sands pipelines and tankers. Rallies will be held at MLA’s offices across the province on Wednesday, Oct. 24, and participants will link arms to symbolize BC’s unbroken...

UPDATED: Snowfall warning remains for West Kootenay

Environment Canada still has a snowfall warning in effect for the West Kootenay area as of 5 a.m. Tuesday. The forecast has snow ending this morning then cloudy with 60 percent chance of rain showers or flurries and accumulations of five centimeters. Tuesday evening there’s a 40 percent chance of rain showers or flurries...

Relay for Life looking for volunteers to gear up for 2013

More than 1,000 volunteers across BC and Yukon are needed to help plan the Canadian Cancer Society’s 2013 Relay For Life and the Society is looking for your help in the Boundary. Relay For Life is a 12- to 24-hour fundraising event that takes place in more than 50 communities in BC and Yukon. Teams of 10 to 15 people relay ...

Ready for a scary good time?? It's the Freaker's Ball...

BOO! Not scared? Well, maybe heading out to the Freaker’s Ball will do the trick (get it, trick??) Yes the Freaker’s is on for Saturday, Oct. 27 at the Wildlife Hall in Grand Forks so get ready to rock with No Fine Print. A classic and contemporary rock band from Trail B. C., No Fine Print’s repertoire is a fine blend of old...

COMMENT: Conservative ominous omnibus bills – The art of stealing power from democracy

Alex Atamanenko, MP (BC Southern Interior) is slamming the Conservative government’s second mammoth Omnibus Budget Bill this year which amends over 40 separate Acts, guts a series of commissions that protect the public interest and concentrates even more power in Ministers’ hands. The BC MP denounced the government’s measures...

Local government knocks on the province's doors

Meetings with Ministerial level government officials are always important for local governments and at every Union of B.C. Municipal governments conference access to the provincial government is likely the must critical part of the annual gathering. In late September representatives from the Boundary municipalities and regional...

OPINION: Economist predictions and mortgage terms

By: Rob McLister, Canada Mortgage Trends No one truly knows where interest rates are headed. Yet, despite vast margins of error, all major financial institutions regularly publish rate predictions. If only we could assume that these economists were right - or even half right - it would be far easier to determine the lowest-cost...

Skydiver breaks sound barrier in jump

Austrian skydiver Felix Baumgartner, aged 43, performed a jump Sunday from 39km above the Earth's surface using a full-pressure suit, a parachute canopy, a capsule, and a helium balloon. Baumgartner broke the sound barrier as his top speed reached 1342km/h (834 miles per hour), exceeding the speed of sound, and landed in the...

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