

Wash-out closes Stewart Creek Road

A section of Stewart Creek Road has been closed for over a week thanks to excess water that caused a wash-out. The collapse was reported to the Ministry of Transportation, Saturday, Mar. 30 and work crews started repairs right away. “The (road) base got saturated,” explained Stephanie Gillis, Ministry of Transportation Area...

Keep visitors shopping with free customer service course

Customer service can be a “make it or break it” experience for a shopper.   When you shop in a store where you get great customer service, chances are you’ll return.   On the other hand, if you get poor customer service…..well, you’ll probably take your business elsewhere. Learn the secrets to providing great customer service...

Residents safe -- slag pile is not moving

Residents living along the Granby River can rest easy that they won’t wake up to a flooded home. City councillors heard reassuring reports from Interior Testing Services and Urban Systems at their committee of the whole meeting, April 2. “There is absolutely no movement of the slag stockpile,” said Peter Hanenburg, a geotechnical...

Assistance available for low income tax filers

People that are taxed by tax season can get assistance from community members through the group People Helping People. The pool of local volunteers help low income Boundary residents as a part of Revenue Canada’s  Community Volunteer Income Tax Program - for free. The program is in its second year and co-ordinator Lorraine ...

Raising money for cancer and living well - life motto for local pharmacist

When it comes to the “Live Well with Pharmasave” slogan, it is without a doubt that local Grand Forks store owner, Graeme Carlson, walks the talk. For the past three months, Carlson, owner/pharmacist at Pharmasave Grand Forks, has been raising funds for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society through the Team in Training program. ...

Police issue statement about downtown car accident this morning

On April 5 at 11:54 a.m., Castlegar RCMP was dispatched to a single vehicle motor vehicle incident at occurred at the 1100 block of 3 Street. RCMP and Castlegar Fire Department attendance confirmed that an east bound vehicle traveling on 3 Street, prepared to park in front of a business and subsequently jumped the curb, crossed...

OP/ED: IntegrityBC's all-candidates challenge to party leaders

IntegrityBC is issuing a challenge to every party leader in B.C.: attend at least one all-candidates' meeting in your constituency in advance of the May 14th general election. The organization issued the challenge following Premier Christy Clark's decision not to attend any all-candidates' meetings in her riding of Vancouver-Point...

Help hoppers have a safe passage

With the recent warm weather and the coming spring rains, the second annual Gilpin Boothman’s Oxbow Amphibian Crossing Project is poised to take off. On Wednesday, April 3 more than 40 people gathered in the basement of the Boundary Museum to see a presentation by biologist and project coordinator Jenny Coleshill. Coleshill,...

COMMENT: Coming out of warp speed in cyberspace

A joke has always been a double-edged sword, so to speak. While we all love to laugh, in fact it’s even good for our health, we rarely want the joke to be on us. So when April Fool’s day comes around, lots of people spend the day worried about bearing the brunt of the joke – being the fool. This year, as in the past three...

COMMENT: Five oil spills in one week: 'accidents' or business as usual?

UPDATE: Since publication of this story this morning, yet another oil spill has come across the wire - a CP Rail spill from a derailment in northern Ontario - raising the total of spills this past week to SIX. It's been another appallingly bad week for proponents of pipeline safety and new oil infrastructure. If the industry's...

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