

How is the water quality in the Kettle River?

Clean, reliable water – it’s what most people hope their rivers and water sources can provide. But how much do we know about water quality in the Kettle River, and do we have problem areas? In the survey last fall, the quality of water in the Kettle River was a major concern for residents. The phrase ‘water quality’ was...

Clean Air Day in Grand Forks

Clean Air Day was set up at the farmer's market in Gyro Park last Friday, June 7. Watch this video to see how it went. ...

Telus to expand Grand Forks broadband infrastructure

Telus is adding a healthy chunk of change to Grand Fork's existing infrastructure. The telecommunications company is adding another $270,000 of wired broadband infrastructure that services residents and businesses in the community. “The demand for advanced communications services is exploding in Grand Forks, and Telus is...

Farmer's Market is in full swing

The local farmer's market is thriving at Gyro Park in downtown Grand Forks. This year it's open Tuesday and Friday's from 8:30 a.m. until the early afternoon. ...

Grand Forks kids build solar cars

Two Grand Forks elementary schools once again participated in the Grand Fork’s Environment Committee's Solar Car Project.  Thanks to donations from Fortis, the City of Grand Forks and Regional District of Kootenay Boundary Area D, over 130 school children built solar cars. This is the third time the schools have participated...

More opportunities for Kettle River campers

There’s a little extra room for campers at the Kettle River Recreation Area at Rock Creek this year. Earlier this camping season BC Parks announced they were upgrading the campgrounds by adding 28 more campsites and putting in extra toilets and showers plus new picnic tables. So far, the showers, toilets and tables are in but...

Ladyhawk and more to perform at Canada Day concert

Community Futures Boundary and Waterlow Audio presents the 3rd Annual Ford Pier and Friends Canada Day Weekend Concert featuring performances by Vancouver based bands: Ladyhawk, The Ford Pier Vengeance Trio, Invasives, Slow Learners, with local acts The Brother Sister Show and Sober Becky. The concert is June 29 at the Grand...

Thrift store celebrates 50 years and buys new cardiac monitoring system

Les Johnson interviews volunteers at theHospital Auxiliary Thrift Store to discuss their 50th anniversary, which they are celebrating June 18th with a customer appreciate day. They also talk about their latest purchase for the hospital. ...

LIBRARY MUSINGS: New magazines at the library

Hi Folks! We have a little suggestion box in the library. It’s off to the side of the checkout desk – a small, wooden treasure chest. We receive all sorts of comments, and I’ve decided to include some of them, along with my responses: Q: Would love to have reservations for magazines, please! The library used to! A: That’s a...

COMMENT: Thoughts on the future of the Doukhobors in Canada

I’ve had Doukhoborism on my mind lately. A number of months ago I was asked if I would put some thoughts together about the modern day relevance of St. Peter’s Day (or Petrov Dien) for inclusion in the Canadian Doukhobor Society newsletter. I was happy to say yes as over the past few years I’ve been thinking more and more...

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