

LETTER: GF resident offers thanks for all the giving she received this year

Well Thanksgiving has been and gone but my " thanks"  and "giving" started a long time before and will go on for a very long time after. A big thank you goes out to all the wonderful people who helped raise funds so that I was able to purchase a medical scooter. However you donated, be it money, time or other and where ever...

City manager defends fire chief

I have read with interest some of the comments and letters written about the City's hiring of a second Deputy Fire Chief. I have been interested to see the comments because often times when members of our community write, they have brilliant ideas and cogent arguments that serve the community well. It is this reason that...

Trailer fire in Genelle not suspicious

A trailer fire in Whispering Pines Mobile Home Park in Genelle yesterday has left roughly $180,000 damage and a family without one of their pets. Kootenay Boundary Regional Fire Rescue Cpt. Greg Ferraby said the call came in 1:47 p.m., and crews arrived on scene at 2:03 p.m. to 500 16 Avenue, where they found the fire already...

LETTER: Councillor responds to reader's commentary about fire chief

Ed note: This letter is in reference to comments made by Paul Therderahn in a letter to the editor published in the Castlegar News, and to a comment made by Ron Armbruster in response to my subsequent rebuttal of that letter in The Source (see https://castlegarsource.com/news/comment-rebuttal-letter-editor-26720#.Ul8JyRDRUik...

Selkirk offers one-day course to help you deal with media

If interviewed by the media, would you be prepared to be spokesperson for your community group, charitable organization, interest group or business? If you’d like to brush up on your speaking and presentation skills, an upcoming Selkirk College media skills course will help improve your ability to get your message across. To...

COMMENT: Rebutting the rebuttal of my rebuttal ...

For those of you who haven't been following this story, this is a response to the comment after my column last week, which can be read at https://castlegarsource.com/news/comment-rebuttal-letter-editor-26720#.Ul5BThDRUik To the author of said comment: My response is so late in coming because I've really been searching my soul...

College of the Rockies uses simulators to train haul truckers

Advanced Education Minister Amrik Virk got a hands-on demonstration Wednesday of a haul-truck simulator during a visit to the College of the Rockies. "Haul-truck simulators at the college are preparing students in the region for B.C.'s mining sector with hands-on training," said Virk. "We expect thousands of jobs in the mining...

There is no Santa and no History. Expect neither presents nor lessons

“Those who do not know the past will repeat it.”       -- George Santayana “History does not repeat itself. People do.”               -- Voltaire “The chief practical use of history is to save us from plausible historical analogies.”                                                                                                ...

Deer count coming, committee to work on fine structure

It's time for the deer count again and Grand Forks councillor Gary Smith is hoping to have a good turnout.  The count is on Nov. 10 at 6 a.m. and lasts up to 1 1/2 hours. After that, the group meets for a free breakfast, which is compensation for the volunteer work. The deer committee will hold their meeting after breakfast. ...

Man crosses Canada on a strictly solar-powered trike

Rick Small, a Thunder Bay resident, cruised through Grand Forks this week on his custom-made, solarized, e-trike.  The trike has two sets of three, 16 volt panels to give him 288 watts to power the trike. Small says he is self-taught and it took him about 40 hours to build the trailer and another 24 hours to adapt the solar...

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