

Trail to get big $ assist from province and ICBC

The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MoTI) and the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC) have both contributed financially to the City of Trail’s Victoria Street Revitalization Project. The ministry has provided $125,000 in funding with ICBC contributing $28,400 towards the city’s key revitalization...

No joy at Whitewater as Revelstoke nips West Kootenay favourite in Powder Magazine 2014 Ski Town Throwdown contest

There will be no repeat for Whitewater in the Powder Magazine 2014 Ski Town Throwdown popularity contest. The Nelson-based resort was eliminated in the second round of the contest by Revelstoke by the narrowest of margins — 1527 to 1507. Throughout the day the ski hills traded leads, with Whitewater holding a slim four vote...

Are your home repair solutions horrifying? Then you could be a TV star!

Calling all un-handy homeowners! A new HGTV Canada Special to be hosted by Steve Patterson of CBC Radio’s ‘The Debaters’ is searching for homeowners with eccentric and unconventional approaches to home repair. Are you more MacGyver than Mike Holmes? By participating, these not-so-handy homeowners will see their creative...

COMMENT: Translating science

Even though I found it stultifying, the secondary school I attended was considered quite progressive, largely because students could elect in third year to stream their arts and science education into arts or science. I couldn’t wait to free myself of math and science. I was fine with basic arithmetic, but when teachers started...

Fish stock recovery given a fighting chance by European parliament

Strasbourg, France: On Oct. 23, the European parliament plenary voted on the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and decided against the reintroduction of subsidies for the building of new boats. Parliamentarians also included a package on jobs for young fishermen and training for sustainable fishing practices that is essential...

58-year-old Castlegar man arrested with 45 pounds of pot

A Castlegar man is now facing charges after police searched his home and found about 45 pounds of pot, according to RCMP Cpl. Debbie Postnikoff.   "On Oct. 23 at 12:30 p.m., the Castlegar RCMP Detachment executed a search warrant contrary to the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act at a residence located in the 1400 block of...

Selkirk College helps bring Intelligence Gathering to Nelson

The Nelson and area community is invited to an extraordinary event to the Civic Theatre that is taking place this Saturday. The Nelson and Area Local Intelligence Gathering is a one-day event being held on Nov. 2 that will feature local presenters on subjects ranging from collaborative art and sustainable food production to...

Warning: Police on heightened alert for both Hallowe'en and Gate Night

Halloween is fast approaching. The Castlegar RCMP will have an enhanced presence to deal with any Halloween generated issues. Officers will be dedicated to deal with issues at Kinnaird Park, Millennium Park, Kinsman Park, the Castlegar Complex and any other potential problem areas that arise. We will be working in partnership...

The small business awards go to...

Community Futures Boundary and the Boundary Country Regional Chamber of Commerce hosted the Small Business Awards, last Thursday. The awards were held above the curling rink, which was full with guests.  "We had an overwhelming number of responses from the community for all of the nominations in all of the categories," said...

MP Alex Atamanenko will not run for another term

After 3 terms in office, NDP MP Alex Atamanenko has announced that he will not be running in the next election. “I’ve been proud to serve the people of BC Southern Interior,” said Atamanenko. “As I look ahead to retirement in two years, I’d like to thank my constituents for electing me to represent their interests in Ottawa....

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