

COMMENT: Parliamentary Secretary explains recommendation that alcohol be available in B.C. grocery stores

Consistent with support voiced by three-quarters of respondents during the just-concluded Liquor Policy Review, Parliamentary Secretary John Yap has endorsed liquor sales in grocery stores. Yap announced today that his final report recommends government move forward on developing and implementing a retail model that meets...

Time running out to cash in on FortisBC rebates

December marks important deadlines for customers who want to get money back when they make energy-saving home improvements. More than 1,500 customers have signed up for the popular Okanagan and Kootenay Energy Diet programs, and are now poised to take advantage of rebates. For those who haven’t signed up yet, it’s time to...

Giving Tuesday just a few days away

With Black Friday and Cyber Monday just around the corner, more and more Canadians are gearing up to spend.  What if there was a day each year dedicated to giving back in the midst of the holiday spending season? The first annual GivingTuesday is coming to Canada on Tuesday, December 3, the Tuesday following Black Friday and...

Governments must address disproportionate poverty rates of First Nations children in BC, say First Nations Summit

First Nations Summit leaders are once again calling on governments to address the disproportionate child poverty rates suffered by on and off-reserve First Nations children in BC following this week’s release of the 2013 Child Poverty Report Card by First Call; the BC Child and Youth Advocacy Coalition. “Several independent...

Selkirk College Provides High School Students a Peek at Trades

High school students from around the region will have the opportunity to get a taste for the wide array of trades pathways available at Selkirk College. On Friday, December 6th, Selkirk College is hosting Made for Trades. The event will provide students in Grades 11 and 12 the chance to get hands-on experience and explore...

MAAP is officially on the map

The Multi-Agency Accommodation Project (MAAP) opened their doors on Saturday for the official grand opening. MAAP is a unique project that combines three local non-profits: Habitat for Humanity, Whispers of Hope and the Boundary Emergency and Transitional Housing Society (BETHS). The grand opening included two ribbong cutting...

GFFR members awarded for years in service

Five of Grand Forks Fire Rescue’s longest serving members were recognized at the City of Grand Fork’s regular council meeting last night. Mayor Brian Taylor awarded Dean Gourlie and John Feenstra with the Exemplary Service Medal from the Governor General of Canada. This award is given to members with 20 years of service. One...

COMMENT: Retirement Security

Retirement security is one of the most pressing economic issues facing Canadian families today. As many as 5.8 million Canadians - nearly a third of our work force - are facing a steep decline in their standard of living upon retirement.  For many young Canadians, the situation is even more dire. Without real action now to ...

Senior uses pocket knife to end dog fight

A 72-year-old Vancouver used a knife to end a dog fight near Kitsilano Beach Park, Nov. 20.  The unnamed man was walking his pug off-leash when it ran up to another dog. The dog, which was identified as a pitbull in a Vancouver Police Department press release, was on-leash and being walked by a woman.  The dog started to fight...

COMMENT: B.C.’s multicultural society is a crucial tie to international trade

Our province has created deep historical, cultural and business ties with countries around the world enabling us to create strong trading partnerships and diversify our markets. Each year B.C. welcomes close to 40,000 new immigrants because we recognize the importance of the wide-range of social and economic benefits associated...

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