

COMMENT: Remember climate change? The forgotten threat...

According to BC Hydro, in Earth Hour 2014 their customers accrued less than half the savings achieved in 2013. Is this because the lights people turned off were more efficient lights or is it because fewer lights were turned off? Maybe it’s a combination of both; however, it’s my belief that climate change has almost disappeared...

GF public notices

Spragett Bridge and Tubing Parking Lot Tree clearing in preparation for the Spragett Bridge Tubing Parking Lot will begin on Tuesday March 25th. The Spragett Bridge parking lot is in keeping with the Sustainable Community Plan and Council’s vision to develop a variety of linked recreational opportunities to the community and...

CONTEST: April 2014 -- Wildways Bike Tune-up

Welcome to the eleventh monthly contest hosted by the Boundary Sentinel.  To participate, write a comment -- any PG comment -- in the comment boxes below. You'll need to set up an account if you don't already have one. You can find the registration page here. Don't forget to make sure the account has a valid email address so...

Words and Music Come Together in Perfect Harmony

April is National Poetry Month and Selkirk College writing instructor Almeda Glenn Miller and Business Administration student Melissa McCready are combining efforts to create a delicious metaphor. Miller is currently promoting her new book, a volume of poetry titled Begin with the Corners. On Friday night at Nelson’s Kootenay...

Selkirk Digital Arts Program's Year-End Show Back in Nelson

Cutting edge design, art, illustration and ideas will be on display in Nelson’s downtown starting Friday when the Selkirk College Digital Arts & New Media Program presents its year end student show. Students in the Tenth Street Campus-based program are getting set to unveil the best they have to offer in a new downtown ...

CL gears up for summer festival

Roof tops are dripping, sunshine is out, thoughts of summer are shining in!  We are excited to be celebrating our 5th Annual Christina Lake Homecoming Summer Festival  this  July 11 and 12 here in our beautiful community of Christina Lake. A new date this year, so mark it on the calendar the 2nd weekend in July as The Christina...

LETTER: Clark lucky she's not in Alberta

Dear Editor: Isn't B.C. lucky Christy Clark is not like Alberta's premier?  In Alberta her caucus would have dumped her a long time ago. Christy spent five days in the legislature this year.  What does she do with the rest of her time? Wine and dine with defeated Liberal candidates with Patronage appointments? Gladys Brown ...

Jackson Purvis leaves GFBB for Minnesota team

The Border Bruins are proud to announce that forward Jackson Purvis has committed to play hockey for the Bethel University Royals during the 2014-15 season. Bethel is a NCAA Division III program located in St Paul, Minnesota. Jackson captained the Border Bruins this past season, and is a two time Team MVP (most valuable player)...

Big ALR changes proposed for the Kootenays

Proposed changes to the Agricultural Land Reserve that would affect ALR regulations in the Kootenays are being met with mixed reaction. On Thursday the provincial government introduced changes that would divide BC’s agricultural farmland into two zones. “I feel like I just got thrown out of BC,” said former NDP Agriculture ...

Nelson's Woody Wudkevich saves boy in Cuba

The owner of Kootenay Glass and Mirror was in the right place at the right time to save a young boy during a recent Cuban vacation. Unfortunately, he could not save the boy's father, who drowned as a result of being swept out by a riptide. The accident happened last week (March 19) at a resort Varadero, Cuba. Robert "Woody"...

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