

Fire ban coming into effect

Effective at noon PDT on July 2, 2014, open fires will be prohibited within the Southeast Fire Centre’s jurisdiction to help prevent human-caused wildfires and protect public safety. This prohibition will remain in place until the public is otherwise notified. Specifically, prohibited activities include: the burning of any ...

COMMENT: Pensions are not only a seniors’ problem – Part 2

In part one I wrote about the unjust decision to increase the eligibility age for Old Age Security (OAS) to 67 and a variety of options to save for retirement. There are also all sorts of self-help manuals and financial advisors who can give you a good advice on how to plan for your financial needs when you retire. (So far ...

LIBRARY MUSINGS: Summer reading club starting; back to free WiFi

It’s finally (officially) summer – and I’m happy to announce that our Summer Reading Club is now open for registration! It’s a free program for children ages 6-12, with games, stories, crafts, and lots of fun. The program runs from July 8 to August 22, and registration is from June 24 to July 5 (please note: registration must...

Parallel realities

“Looking out upon the horrid ruin we seem to have made of the planet, in spite of the kind hearts and good intentions of the vast majority of human beings, it is hard to avoid the conclusion that some nefarious force has hijacked civilization, driving it towards ends that serve almost no one…  “Reasonable people can, depending...

Conflict escalates as teachers union says 'no' to Grade 10 and 11 report cards

Protests and rallies are being held throughout the Kootenays today, including in Castlegar, as the conflict between the BC Teachers Federation and the provincial government continues to escalate. Kootenay Columbia Teachers Union president Andy Davidoff issued a release today indicating teachers will not be issuing report cards...

COMMENT: 'Class Composition' is more than an abstract bargaining term in the current BC teachers' strike

Our Canadian school system is based on many principles, but one central theme is the concept of 'inclusion'. If you don't like the idea of Inclusion, of your child going to school with someone with autism, anxiety, downs, dyslexia, or other learning needs, then one of the private schools with rigorous screening-out processes...

Murder/attempted suicide in Lumby

Police are investigating what is believed to be a murder and attempted suicide after a report of a disturbance resulted in the discovery of a woman's body and an injured male Thursday evening. On June 19 at 6:12 pm, the Lumby RCMP received a report of a disturbance at a residence on the 300 block of Trinity Valley Road near...

Little League All Stars gearing up for provincials

Veteran little league players are working toward the big goal of national competition, after the region’s little league all-star team was picked last night at Andy Bilesky Park. Twenty-one baseball players, aged 11-12, tried out for the team but only 12 were chosen, six of whom are veterans from last year's all-star team....

Canada’s failure to uphold the human rights of Indigenous peoples in its approval of Northern Gateway

BC Assembly of First Nations, First Nations Summit, Union of BC Indian Chiefs, Amnesty International Canada, Canadian Friends Service Committee (Quakers), Chiefs of Ontario, Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations, Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee), Indigenous Rights Centre, Indigenous World Association, and KAIROS:...

The teacher's strike is more about the BC government's contempt for the Constitution than pay or working conditions

On the eve of the teachers’ full-out strike, the government proposed that “if either party is unhappy with the outcome of the government’s appeal of the court case the entire collective agreement can be terminated and a new round of bargaining begins.” To appreciate this proposal I examined the 2014 and 2011 decision of the...

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