

GW outdoor rink getting ready for Christmas and New Year skates

Updated... The Greenwood outdoor skating rink is being revived in time for Christmas. Local volunteers gathered on Sunday to make plans for the arena, which include getting enough skates in all sizes for people to borrow and getting the ice ready. Volunteer Christopher Yates, said the meeting was productive with six people ...

LIBRARY MUSINGS: Kids Knit; No late fees in 2015 (again)

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and our library’s board of directors is getting in the holiday spirit – at this month’s board meeting, they passed a motion to extend the 1-year “no overdue fines” trial period for a second year. If you’re late to the party, let me get you caught up: for 2015 (as in 2014), we will not...

Ties announced in Greenwood Christmas light-up, residents able to vote for winners

The annual Greenwood Christmas light-up contest, has concluded for 2014 with ties in both categories.  In first place for Greenwood residents is Ron Pearson at 692 Strathmore and Doreen McLean at 197 N. Kimberley. The two winners split the money from the first and second places. In third place, are Mike and Maureen Prystae ...

Provincial Court Judge agrees charges can proceed in Lemon Creek fuel spill case

Slocan Valley resident Marilyn Burgoon is pleased with a ruling by Judge Mayland McKimm that allows the BC Government and Executive Flight Centre Fuel Services Ltd. to face charges in relation to the Lemon Creek fuel spill.  In a media release, Burgoon said, “This is a very important victory for democracy.” Burgoon took up ...

UPDATED: Safeway bomb threat deemed a hoax

On Dec. 18, at roughly 1 p.m., the Castlegar RCMP, Kootenay Boundary GIS, Trail Detachment, Castlegar Fire Department and emergency services responded to a complaint of a bomb threat called in to the manager of Canada Safeway, according to RCMP Cpl. Debbie Postnikoff. "Police immediately evacuated the Canada Safeway and the...

OUT OF LEFT FIELD: On the strike, random acts of kindness and family

I’ve been in a total funk for the past few weeks – all the negativity and rage surrounding the current city strike have been so disheartening and demoralizing. I keep thinking, What about after the strike? We’re all going to have to go back to working together, shopping in each other’s stores, attending our children’s hockey...

Mayor speaks to issue of damaged snowplow

In a politically-driven Facebook forum called The Castlegar Podium, striking union member Darrel Bojechko was expressing upset over the amount city managment are being paid to handle essential services such as snowplowing in the union's absence, and added, "And I might add they have done thousands of dollars damage to the...

City/union to resume mediated talks

The City of Castlegar has initiated mediated talks with CUPE Local 2262 (striking city workers) to begin this coming Monday, according to Mayor Lawrence Chernoff. Chernoff said David Schuab, the Labour Relations Board mediator who wrote recommendations for settlement on Sept. 22 of this year, will be mediating the discussion....

CRIME CLIPS: Fuel siphoned, icy roads cause collision with semi-trailer

Studies have shown that crime rates tend to increase at Christmas, as “the season of giving” can be difficult for those living under the poverty line and sometimes results in impulsive, desperate acts.  Fortunately, the Grand Forks and Midway RCMP have had a fairly uneventful month so far, with only two thefts and zero...

Castlegar Fire Department gone to the dogs

Castlegar firefighters had a howling good time last night, according to Deputy Fire Chief Sam Lattanzio. Lattanzio said that last night, at 6:32 p.m., the Castlegar Fire Department responded to a single vehicle rollover approximately nine kilometres west of the city on Highway 3.   "On arrival, no human occupants required...

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