
GW outdoor rink getting ready for Christmas and New Year skates

Shara JJ Cooper
By Shara JJ Cooper
December 23rd, 2014


The Greenwood outdoor skating rink is being revived in time for Christmas.

Local volunteers gathered on Sunday to make plans for the arena, which include getting enough skates in all sizes for people to borrow and getting the ice ready.

Volunteer Christopher Yates, said the meeting was productive with six people attending, including Coun. Darla Ashton. Others sent emails to the committee, offering assistance with tasks like rink supervision and food preparation.

“We have a great group of dedicated volunteers,” said Yates. “This rink won’t only benefit Greenwood residents, it is open to the public and will provide one more winter recreation to everyone in the Boundary and all travelers passing through. We are excited to have the rink open in the winter, but are equally excited for some of the ideas coming forward from our volunteers, community members and different organizations.”

One of the volunteers includes John Hunt, who has been involved with flooding the arena for years in the past. Yates calls him the driving force in resurrecting the rink and praises him for always being ready to help get the arena ready for the community and children. 

The rink is also being prepared for evening skating and has been re-wired by Mike Goddard. Volunteers are planning on pouring the water Tuesday night with hope that the ice will be ready for skating on Christmas Day.

Plans for a New Years Eve skate with a bonfire at 7 p.m. are also in the works.

Yates is hoping local schools will use the rink in the new year, and that they will have plenty of skates available to loan for all ages. They area looking for donations of skates and more volunteers.

Categories: General