

KETTLE RIVER Q&A: Responding to drought with water conservation

We’re going to need to work together on this one. What helps us conserve water during a drought, and why do we not take more steps to conserve water? At a recent meeting of water suppliers and municipalities in Grand Forks to discuss the drought situation and potential responses, I introduced some ideas about what motivates...

Selkirk College Adds Tourism Industry Veteran Jim Greene to Faculty

Former Red Mountain Resort general manager Jim Greene has taken up a teaching post at Selkirk College and will begin passing on knowledge he has earned over a 25-year career as a leader in the tourism industry. Beginning this month, Greene will teach a number of Fall Semester classes in the School of Hospitality, Tourism &...


This is an easy, family-friendly loop that starts just off of the North Fork Road on the edge of Grand Forks.  To reach the trail head, turn north on the North Fork Road/Franklin Road drive for 1.75 km. If you see Ward Road, you have just missed the parking spot by seconds.  On the East side of the road, you'll see a parking...

LETTER: City should check existing water metres

How much would it cost for the City of Grand Forks to test the accuracy of local industries' water meters? Last year, the CAO told me it would be too expensive. But, as far back as five years ago, expert engineering companies have been recommending this to our city. Why would our city be considering installing more water...

RCAF Flight Lieutenant (ret.) Lance Benson receives medal

RCAF Flight Lieutenant (ret.) Lance Benson received the French Medal of Honour on July 24, 2015 at a ceremony at the Royal Canadian Air Force Wing in Penticton. Penticton resident Lance “Lou” Benson has been recognized by the French government for his exceptional service as a tail gunner and his contribution to D-day, June ...

LIBRARY MUSINGS: New library director

Hello Grand Forks! You probably haven’t met me yet. My name is Cari Lynn Postnikoff and I am going to be your new Library Director here at Grand Forks & District Public Library while Avi takes a parental leave. I want to make sure that our public library continues to be one of the most important learning and cultural...

$45,000 for Grand Forks Airport

The B.C. Government is investing $45,000 in beacon site upgrades at Grand Forks Airport as part of B.C. on the Move, the province’s new 10-year transportation plan. The funding, awarded through the new B.C. Air Access Program, will be used to replace solar-powered, remote standard beacons and regular-powered beacon sites with...

Officer injured/thief arrested after police chase sparked by savvy Rosslanders

Thanks to a pair of observant Rossland residents, a prolific thief is spending the next 15 months in jail, according to Trail RCMP Sgt. Daren Oelke. “Just before 10 a.m. on Saturday, two Rossland residents came across a male driving what they believed to be a stolen vehicle out of Christina Lake,” Oelke said.“They recognized...

Fines for burning spike; new fine for off-leash dogs in city parks

The city is cracking down on illegal burning and off-leash dogs, with significant spikes in fines for the former and a brand-new fine created for the latter. Councillor Kevin Chernoff said the burning fines are an attempt to get people’s attention, as per Fire Chief Gerry Rempel’s suggestion, so they’ll stop creating situations...

Robusters shift to different winning approach

This season, the Kootenay Robusters decided to try a different strategy for their paddling season - one that should be especially helpful to new recruits, and enjoyable for experienced team members as well. Two early season festivals were planned, the first in Lethbridge at the end of June and the second at the end of July ...

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