
City of Grand Forks issues notice of lease termination to Whispers of Hope Benevolence Society and Boundary Emergency and Transitional Housing Society

The City issued notice Wednesday for the soup kitchen, emergency shelter and thrift store to cease operations by Friday August 4th, 2017 at 5 p.m. and to vacate the building within thirty days. A media release on the City of Grand Forks website said this action follows dozens of complaints from the public and thousands of...

ALL Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) lands in BC closed to recreational access

In response to the extreme fire situation in British Columbia, the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) is suspending public recreational access to all its lands in the province. This is a precautionary measure in order to minimize the chance of human-caused wildfires in any more of the province, and to contribute to public...

Wind causes wildfires to grow in Southeast Fire Centre

The Southeast Fire Centre said in a media release Monday that current weather conditions in the region are having an impact on wildfires with wind activity causing the size of several fires to grow on Sunday, July 30, 2017. Island Pond wildfire The 150-hectare Island Pond fire that started on July 30 is about 17 kilometres ...

Local Air Cadets meet Snowbirds in Grand Forks

During the last week's Grand Forks Airshow, Air Cadets from Trail, Nelson and Grand Forks had the chance to meet the Pilots and Ground Crew of 431 Air Demonstration Squadron, the Snowbirds. The cadets who were also helping out at the airshow where able meet the ground crew before the show and the pilots after the show. Master...

Local volunteers recognized during 150th Canada Birthday Celebrations

  Two very long-time volunteers in the Boundary City were recently honoured during the Canada 150th Birthday Celebrations in front of Grand Forks City Hall. Lorraine Dick and Chris Moslin were recognized for their Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers and Governor General's Caring Canadian Award, respectively, during the ceremony....

Castlegar pitched as 'ideal' candidate for basic income experiment

Former provincial Green Party candidate (for Richmond) and current minister of the Castlegar United Church Greg Powell is urging both city council and MLA Katrine Conroy to lobby to have Castlegar be the site of a pilot project designed to eliminate poverty by providing a basic income to all residents. He said the concept was...

BC SPCA escalates rescue efforts for animals affected by wildfires

The BC SPCA is escalating rescue efforts to help animals impacted by B.C.’s raging wildfires. “Our staff and volunteers have been very active in supporting emergency services in affected areas, but as the wildfires spread we are escalating our involvement,” said Lorie Chortyk, general manager of community relations for the ...

Long-time volunteers recognized during Grand Forks Canada 150th Birthday Celebrations

Two very long-time volunteers in the Boundary City will be honoured Wednesday at 10 a.m. during the Canada 150th Birthday Celebrations in front of Grand Forks City Hall. Lorraine Dick and Chris Moslin will be recognized for their Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers and Governor General's Caring Canadian Award, respectively,...

Canadian Mental Health warns of potential trauma during wildfire season

Being forced from one’s home by a natural disaster is a rare occurrence that most of us will never face. However, tens of thousands of British Columbians are going through this upheaval right now as hundreds of wildfires burn throughout the province. Mental health experts warn that the emotional toll of disaster can be as...

Public urged to stay away from active wildfire areas

The BC Wildfire Service is urging members of the public to stay away from active wildfires wherever they may be in the province. British Columbia's fire management professionals, hardworking firefighters, aircraft crews and contracted firefighters need plenty of room to do this challenging work. The presence of unauthorized...

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