

Student Union chair 'applauds' decision by Selkirk to continue offering tuition-free adult basic education

The Executive chair of the Selkirk College Students’ Union Local 4 Matthew Jameson is pleased with the recent decision by the college not to follow through with the recent provincial government decision to charge tuition fees for all adult upgrading courses, including ESL (English as a Secondary Language). Jameson “applauds”...

Tuition-Free Training Offered for Potential Transportation and Forestry Workers

Responding to specific needs in the region, Selkirk College has partnered with the federal and provincial governments in launching two tuition-free programs to get unemployed and under-employed residents the training they need to be job ready. Starting in November, eligible individuals have an opportunity to enrol in Professional...

Selkirk College Joins Effort to Dig Deeper into Opportunities for Rural Policy

Selkirk College has entered a partnership with leading post-secondary institutions from around the world in a project that aims to enhance prosperity in rural regions. Brandon University was recently awarded a seven-year $2.5 million grant from the federal government’s Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)...

Meeting on fate of Blueberry Creek school draws hundreds

More than 225 people crowded into the Blueberry Creek Community School (BCCS) gymnasium Monday night for a school-district-initiated meeting to discuss the fate of the property on which the school is housed. Rebecca McDonnell, BCCS community liaison, said SD 20 has made it clear they want to dispose of the property, and...

LETTER: A plan to save Blueberry Creek Community School

Letter to the Editor: Blueberry Creek Community School (BCCS) Council, would like to invite all their members and friends to come to BCCS gym on Oct. 20 at 6.30 p.m., SD20 Board of Education and senior staff are hosting a “town hall” meeting to discuss the potential disposal of the school. At this meeting to discuss options...

Acclaimed local education program starts second year

This week’s return to classes is especially good news for participants of a local alternative education program. Students and staff of the Take a Hike West Kootenay program are eager to embark on the second year of an adventure-based learning journey that mixes traditional classroom time with a unique blend of outdoor education,...

School starts Monday, SD51 posts message to parents

From School District 51's Facebook page and website.  Updated Sept 19 All Students in School District 51 will be open on Monday, September 22, 2014. Monday will be a half day with students being dismissed at 11:30 a.m. Buses will run on the usual half-day schedule. Posted Sept. 18 Dear Parents and Guardians: Thank you for...

Issues arise with after-school care at Robson Community School

Although back-to-school schedules have not yet been confirmed, logistical difficulties are already arising, in this case regarding after-school care for Robson Community School students. Resident/parent Mark Jennings penned the following email to local school board trustees and media this morning: "Dear Castlegar/Robson...

SD20 schools to be back in session Monday

Dear parents and guardians: Thank you for your patience while we solidified our plans for the reopening of schools for students.  These plans are based on an assumption that both the BC Teachers’ Federation (BCTF) and the BC Public School Employers’ Association (BCPSEA) ratify the tentative agreement reached earlier this...

Annual Mir Centre for Peace Series Takes On Important Issues

Bringing important peace and social justice issues to the forefront in the region, the Selkirk College Mir Centre for Peace has embarked on a new season of lectures and peace cafés. Since 2007, the Mir Lecture Series and Mir Peace Cafés have brought a diverse selection of local and international speakers to the West...

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