

Slocan residents rally to clean fuel spill on their own

In the aftermath of the jet fuel spill into Lemon Creek and the Slocan River, residents brainstormed to create their own solutions for clean up as Executive Flight Centre, whose tanker spilled 33,000 liters of jet fuel into Lemon Creek on July 26, some feel is neglecting to fully clean up their mess. On Aug.12, residents...

KAST to offer BC Venture Acceleration Program

BCIC today welcomed the Kootenay Association for Science and Technology (KAST) as a partner offering the BC Venture Acceleration Program. KAST in Rossland and the Kootenay Rockies Innovation Council (KRIC) in Cranbrook are both joining a provincewide network of partners offering a structured venture growth program to BC tech...

Celgar to cut 85 jobs at Castlegar mill

Celgar managing director of operations Kevin Anderson told The Source today that 85 jobs will be cut from the mill over the next five years, most within the coming year. He said no single portion of the mill or the staff base will be targeted, with the workforce reduction taking place mill-wide, across most departments. "We...

CL workshops will teach business owners how to network online

A new partnership was born today between Selkirk College and the Christina Gateway Community Development Association (CGCDA). The two groups signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) at the Christina Lake Welcome Centre, June 4. “We want to help business improve capacity to market themselves using the Internet,” said Sandy...

BC says no to Northern Gateway Pipeline

The following is a press release issued by the Environment Ministry: British Columbia has made its final written submission to the Northern Gateway Pipeline Joint Review Panel. In the submission, the province states that it cannot support the project as presented to the panel because Northern Gateway has been unable to address...

Local non-profits put themselves on the MAAP

Three Grand Forks organizations have found a way to come together and pool their resources by forming the Multi-Agency Accommodation Project (MAAP). Habitat for Humanity, Whispers of Hope and The Boundary Emergency and Transitional Housing Society (BETHS) are leasing 7212 Riverside Drive from the City of Grand Forks. The...

Pharmacy now available at Christina Lake

Christina Lake’s Pharamsave is officially open. Although the business opened its doors on March 11, the grand opening was held May 17 with treats available for anyone who stopped by. “It’s been going great,” said front store manager Shannon Lahti, adding they had seen at least 70 people in the first part of the day. The...

Saddle store relocates to Greenwood

Greenwood residents won’t have to go far to get their leather-work done. Ingram Creek Saddlery is moving from rural Midway to the main strip in Greenwood. “We will be right between the bank and the liquor store,” said Bob Bugeaud, who owns the store with his wife Margaret Ann. The saddle store has been in business for about...

New u-brew opens in Grand Forks

New business owner Grant Hill is following his dream. He’s opened Kettle River Vintners, a store that sells wine and beer-making kits and offers “u-brew” services.   The store is the only one of its kind in the area. Previously, brewers had to choose from a limited variety of wine kits and then make them at home. The process...

Grand Forks Credit Union reviews finances at AGM

The Grand Forks Credit Union is on solid ground and climbing, according to reports made at their annual general meeting April 18. “The numbers have gone up consistently,” said Kelly Thomas, the credit union’s chief executive officer (CEO). The credit union’s retained earnings have increased 51 per cent from 2008 to 2012 and...

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