

Last-minute Tax Filing Tips from CRA

The Canada  Revenue Agency wants us all to file out tax returns on time.  For good reason: even low-income people need to file tax returns in order to benefit from such things as lower Medical Services Plan premiums, and other benefits. And it makes life easier for taxpayers and the bureaucrats too.  Here's a press release ...

Congratulations Chris Bell, Community Futures Volunteer of the Year

Community Futures Central Kootenay (CFCK) is pleased to recognize Chris Bell for his years of volunteer work in Castlegar and the Central Kootenay. He has been involved in a variety of organizations, lending his good-natured expertise to many projects. Since 2010, Chris Bell facilitated the Castlegar-based Kootenay Business...

Seven partnering credit unions continue process for united operation

Seven credit unions in the BC Southern Interior continue to forge ahead in a regional amalgamation process with the hopes of serving the needs of members and communities across the Kootenay, Columbia Valley and Boundary Regions. In a media release Tuesday, the seven partnering credit unions outlined the next steps as they...

Seven local credit unions exploring joining forces

A joint task force from seven regional credit unions issued a press release Tuesday regarding their proposed amalgamation (said credit unions include Kootenay Savings, Nelson and District, Heritage, Grand Forks, Creston and Distric, Grand Forks and East Kootenay Community credit unions). The press release is as follows: The...

Column: From the Hill -- Air Travel and our Local Airports

Spring seems to want to take its own sweet time in coming back to the southern Interior, and with that the gray days of winter are gradually being replaced by sun.  That comes as good news for us all, including the travelers who rely on regular flights in and out of our local airports.  Winter is a time of frustrating...

Cultivating community: three-day co-op management course in Nelson

Co-ops can form a more sustainable alternative to “business as usual.” They’re democratic and egalitarian.  They don’t depend on the mythical, and massively disproven, idea of “trickle-down economics.” They make positive contributions to their communities and operate on a set of co-operative principles. An interactive, intensive...

Don't fall for 'CRA' scams

SCAMS: callers purporting to be from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) are again, or still, targeting residents. The caller will provide a name, and say that the resident owes back taxes and fees; he or she may also threaten the resident with a visit from the police if the resident fails to pay.  A new twist to the tired old ...

RCMP warn of fake US bills

Accepting cash in US funds? Be wary, and check to make sure it's genuine before accepting it. Trail RCMP have recovered counterfeit US bills from several businesses and banks locally; $1, $10, $20 and $50 US bills have been passed at several businesses within the last week.   The bills are slightly smaller, have poor colouring...

BC Government wants your opinion on ICBC rates

First, a bit of background.  ICBC is in dire financial straits. Back in 2016, ICBC applied to the BC Utilities Commission for permission to raise its rates by 4.9%.  This publication posted an article by Dermod Travis of Integrity BC on ICBC’s request. Travis unpicked the rationale for the proposed increase in rates, delved...

Residents asked to weigh in on local economic development

A new economic development initiative has Castlegar and area residents completing an online survey outlining their priorities and needs in terms of retail and service businesses in our area. Mark Laver was hired on as Economic Development Manager two months ago in a joint venture between the City of Castlegar, CBT and RDCK ...

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