

Boundary Museum turns to city council for direction

Relations between two local cultural organizations continue to be strained as the Boundary Museum Society looks to city council for direction. The museum asked in a letter to come before council on Jan. 31 to discuss options for the storage of their archives that were displaced since the Grand Forks Art Gallery Society made...

BUSINESS FEATURE: Dance arts stimulate brain development

When you first walk into Granby Dance Studio you get a feeling of being in a bright sunlit space that could be in the Mediterranean. That warm, bright ambiance follows you into the studio proper with its larger than life mirrors where you really feel like a professional.   In 2007, Michele Dean, who had been teaching traditional...

Dance show takes Grand Forks by stampede

Holy Joe McGee’s traveling dance extravaganza took Grand Forks by stampede last Thursday as it featured the Boundary’s many dance troupes’ talents. The nearly full house at the Grand Forks Senior Secondary auditorium truly enjoyed the variety and beauty of the different dance forms presented.Local actor Gary Smith played the...

Art gallery secures critical funding

A $30,000 donation from the Grand Forks Credit Union arrived in time to ensure the completion of a permanent heritage exhibit in Gallery 2. After the withdrawal from the gallery of about the same amount in funding by the City of Grand Forks in late 2010, the gallery had been pressed to find a way to continue with the project...

Extraordinary fiddler leads band on tour with a stop in Grand Forks

Self assured and vibrant performer April Verch brings her virtuosity on the fiddle to Grand Forks as the Boundary District Arts Council’s Performance 2010-2011 concert series continues on Thursday, Jan. 20.  Born, raised and now living in Pembroke, Ontario, in the Ottawa Valley, where her family has lived for generations,...

Council agrees not to proceed with arts and culture referendum

Arts and culture funding for the Grand Forks area will not be going to referendum next year if the groups involved can work out a plan. At a special meeting of Grand Forks City Council on Monday night, the Grand Forks Art Gallery Society and the Boundary Museum Society were both clear that they do not want their funding to ...

Christmas trees raise money for food bank and agriculture

In the spirit of Christmas sharing the students of Hutton Elementary school have been busy making Christmas trees to help their community. You may have seen the wonderfully decorated trees that were the backdrop to the school’s recent Christmas concert, well these same trees will be available for purchase at a fundraising...

More Christmas spirit shared at Hutton's family concert

The students of John A. Hutton Elementary school proudly presented Christmas is a gift as this year's Christmas concert for family and friends. All the classes took part in this fun display of talent.  Click to enlarge photos and view them!...

And now for something completely different....Oh Christmas Tree, Oh 21st Century by Local Anxiety

A unique video by a Vancouver comedy duo, Local Anxiety, gives a little different take on the 21st century Christmas. From their eco-comedy CD Greenpieces, the duo take what began as an innocent video and created a new Christmas icon.As half of Local Anxiety Mark Leiren puts it: "It was supposed to be a simple little Local ...

Perley Christmas concert was a treat to watch

Children from kindergarten through to grade 7 took their audience through the Twelve Days of Christmas at the annual Dr. Perley Elementary School Christmas concert. Held on Dec. 8, the show included a cast of narrators, and singers from every grade.Just click on the pictures below for the enlarged view, or watch the video. ...

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