

COMMENT: Art is greater than filth

Ali Farzat, the Arab world’s greatest cartoonist – in fact one of the very best and bravest creative voices in the Arab world – was bundled into a van by Syrian regime filth last night. Some hours later he was found bleeding at the side of the airport road. First reports suggest that his hands have been broken.I’ve often used...

Fundival 2011: evening of fire and ice was a CLAAS act

Fundival patrons were treated to an evening of all things art, with benefits directed toward the Christina Lake Arts & Artisans Society (CLAAS) last week.   The annual fund raising event is dedicated to the continuing development of the Christina Living Arts Centre. You may ask, ‘Well, isn’t the Christina Living Arts...

GALLERY 2: Connections materialized at exhibition opening

A celebration of contemporary craft and art created by 24 artists who teach and work at the Kootenay School of the Arts at Selkirk College in Nelson is the upcoming exhibition at Gallery 2. The curriculum at the Kootenay School of the Arts includes four areas of study- metal, clay, fibre, jewelry and small object design along...

THE PASSIONATE I: Challenging readers to support the arts

Christina Lake’s Fundival tonight is kicking off 10 days of arts and culture festivities as the first annual Kettle River Arts Festival gets underway. What is the Kettle River Arts Festival? I haven’t heard anything about it, you say. As usual, spreading the word about cultural events in the Boundary can be challenging, and...

Sumner Brothers play under the stars for two shows

Vancouver musicians the Sumner Brothers take the open air stage with the return of the Starlight Saloon next week.   For three years running the Starlight Saloon has delivered entertaining shows for Grand Forks audiences in the most beautiful setting in the Boundary, and this year promises to be one of the best yet! The fourth...

Fibre art takes many forms at upcoming festival

Artisans who work with fibre will be sharing their techniques and knowledge at the first fibre festival in Grand Forks as a part of the Kettle River Festival of the Arts in August.   What is a fibre festival? There will be three days of workshops taught by artisans from B.C., Alberta and Washington State. Some of the courses...

Summer is for eating pie and enjoying the sun - Boundary style at Pie in July

What could be better than enjoying the sun and eating home-made pie? Well, over 120 people attended the Boundary Museum’s first ever Pie in July event held last Saturday at the museum’s new home, the Fructova Heritage Site to do just that.The pie and July idea was conceived last year by summer students, Allie and Stepan. It...

Cosmic Quirk: Behold the Hoffsicle, the David Hasselhoff popsicle

In the desire to bring you, our readers, more than just the usual news, The Boundary Sentinel is pleased to introduce the Cosmic Quirk where we find something fun and unusual for you all!Just in time for National Ice Cream Month, Del Monte Iced Refreshments has inexplicably launched a popsicle in the likeness of former Baywatch...

Selkirk construction class graduates

Fresh from their morning finals, the 2011 grads from Selkirk College’s Foundation Level Carpentry course were eager to laugh and relax. They celebrated with a barbeque in the afternoon of Sunday, Jun. 26 at City Park.   According to Cara-Lee Melange, Continuing Education Coordinator, “This very successful program could not ...

A celebration to remember on Canada Day

Who can say what the best part of this Canada Day was?   I’ll go out on a limb and suggest the administration, because everything seemed to go perfectly according to plan.   There were so many unique draws to downtown Grand Forks that at times it seemed the entire city was out enjoying the festivities.   The Elks Breakfast ...

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