

New shoots

It was the end of times. On moving to Trail from Castlegar we kept our rent down by agreeing to take down some of the trees that were rooting far too close to foundations and roof lines for either comfort or the good of the house. All told, I created stumps from an evergreen, two deciduous, and an ancient birch. The remains...

Fast forward

A few months into the new blended learning model at Rossland Secondary School and we are able to take some time to reflect on the successes, as well as discuss the adjustments we need to make. We know it takes time to implement change and for the students and teachers to adjust to the new system and realize that the program...

Queen’s Jubilee medals presented to four deserving Kootenay West Constituents

Katrine Conroy, MLA for Kootenay West presented Queen’s Jubilee medals to four deserving constituents during November. As a Member of the BC Legislature, Katrine was allowed to nominate four people for the Queen’s Jubilee Medal which is being given out for outstanding community service. She had a committee that made sure that...

Cloud services helps you keep in touch with your family friend

Japanese multinational company Fujitsu launched a website for a dog pedometer which allows customers to monitor their dog's health online. The device measures data while attached to the dog's collar. Customers are also able to add more data to the website manually, then it displays the complete set of data graphically. Fujitsu...

You decide: Does social media make us lonely?

According to a recent IPSOS poll “nearly one-half of online Canadians (45%) are now visiting a social networking site at least once a week, and 30% visit daily”; source:  http://www.ipsos-na.com/news-polls/pressrelease.aspx?id=5286. But what is regular use of social media doing for us? Are we more connected and thus happier? ...

Bridging a gap while learning the ropes: 39CER install bridge at Texas Creek

The dilapidated wooden foot bridge that crossed Texas Creek, located on the boundary of Gladstone Provincial Park at the east end of Christina Lake, was anything but safe. And after BC Parks staff inspected the bridge last year they “deemed it structurally unsound”, especially the wooden decking, and closed it off until it ...

Annual Wine Tasting an extravaganza for the senses

The Grand Forks Art Gallery Society sure knows how to put on an event. After 21 years, the much anticipated annual Wine Tasting has been aged to perfection. Every part of the evening was well-presented and well-orchestrated for the most optimum art, food and wine experience. The much-loved event was understandably sold out,...

The final curtain falls for the much-loved 11th Street Kids Theatre this week

It’s been 20 years since Jean Pinto and Liz Mason put on their first children’s play in the backyard of their home on 11th Street in Grand Forks. Since then, hundreds of local kids have experienced the magic of live theatre and the confidence it can bring to them through the 11th Street Kids Theatre. But like all good things,...

'Gangnam Style' officially most viewed video on YouTube

The music video for "Gangnam Style", a song by South Korean artist Psy, has become the most viewed YouTube video of all time. The video, which now has over 816 million views since being uploaded in July, became the most watched after overtaking the music video for "Baby", a song by Canadian singer Justin Bieber, which was...

LIBRARY MUSINGS: Overflowing with new books

Hi Grand Folks! Thanks to all of you who sent me $10,000 – I can assure you that your millions are forthcoming.  In the meanwhile, if you wish to occupy your mind with some other things, here are some exciting events to come out to: ·         Want to know what it takes to get published? Yolanda Ridge will be here on Tuesday,...

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