

COMMENT: 2013—Thirteen Baktun and the Ya Basta Crux

Historians, archaeologists, and palaeontologists focus on pivotal moments around which separate eras seem to hinge. It is no different in other disciplines as ecologists define community edges and philosophers erect words around meaning. Meanwhile, down on Planet Earth, climbers, bikers, skiers, and boaters flow over their ...

LIBRARY MUSINGS: Celebrating 2013 with new books and reading clubs

Hi Grand Folks! It’s 2013 – we made it – so now that we’re here, let’s take a look at what’s going on at the library: LOTS AND LOTS OF DVDS Thanks to all of you who have been donating your neglected DVDs to the library – we’ve received well over a hundred so far, and we’re happy to see that they are being checked out the...

Community Christmas dinner shared warmth and laughter

Over 300 people enjoyed annual Grand Forks Christmas dinner with all the trimmings and were entertained later in the evening by Santa and carolers. George Longden, who organizes the dinner with co-volunteer Paula Wolkosky said, “It was another successful dinner, made possible by the generous donations from this community. We...

2012 Kootenay Contraption Contest sets record for entries, solves looming energy crisis

How will we use less energy in the year 2050? That answer just became a little clearer courtesy the hopes, dreams, imagination and creativity of 143 Kootenay Boundary students. The annual Kootenay Contraption Contest put on by the Kootenay Association for Science and Technology (KAST), GLOWS (Growing Learning Opportunities ...

2012: A year in photos

This was a year of some great achievements and sad situations in the Boundary. And many of those memorable moments were caught on film – both still and moving. Here’s a selections of the top 12 images for 2012....

Movies for chilly days: I could watch this a million times...

At this time of year when the snow is deep and we take time to relax with family, what could be better than turning up the heat, and snuggling in with a blanket and popcorn to watch your all time favourite movie. The Lone Sheep family thought it might be nice to share the movies that we can watch - not just once, but again,...

A one-horse open sleigh upcoming project for Boundary Woodworker’s Guild

Visitors to the Boundary Museum will soon be able to go Dashing through the snow in a one horse open sleigh – at least in their minds – thanks to a generous donation by Merv Hartman of Greenwood. Hartman donated a McLaughlin one-horse sleigh to the museum after seeing how well the Boundary Woodworkers Guild restored their...

The era of the spirit

The Scriptures of the Christian Church tell us that the birth of the baby in the manger at Bethlehem came at the end of one era, and the beginning of another. In Luke's Gospel, the Angel Gabriel visits first not Mary, nor Joseph, but one Zechariah, a priest of the temple of Yahweh, and his wife, Elizabeth, a descendant of...

The true meaning of the school Christmas concert

I've covered many school Christmas concerts in my time as a reporter, but this year was something very special -- it was the first Christmas concert I've had my own child in. My little guy is in Kindergarten at Christina Lake Elementary School and boy was it fun to see the excitement a school concert brought to his little...

Community Christmas dinner set for next week with generous support

The annual Community Christmas dinner will be hosted once again this year at the Gospel Chapel. At the recent meeting of the Community Christmas Dinner organizing group, RDKB Area D Director Irene Perepolkin presented a cheque for $1000.00 to the Donation Coordinators Sharon Fausten and Anya Soroka for the 2012 Community...

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