

LIBRARY MUSINGS: Popular library books for staff and patrons

This time around, we’re going to talk about books. Books that we like, and books that you like. Books That We Like Back by popular demand, here are some staff book (and DVD!) reviews to help you find your next great read: I’m Not Scared of you or Anything (Jon Paul Fiorentino) This wild and wacky collection of short stories...

Hold your breath - Kootenay Festival is just two days away!

The count down is ON – the Kootenay Festival is just two days away! What began as just a nifty committee idea has become a firmly-established Kootenay tradition, according to volunteer Audrey Maxwell-Polovnikoff. “People know about us now, and we have groups and vendors approaching us to participate,” she said, adding roughly...

LIBRARY MUSINGS: Where the Wild Things Are

Here at the library, we love books. No, seriously, we do. For the past few months we’ve been putting up staff book reviews on our website – but now, in newsprint for the very first time, we’ll be sharing some of these with you. But not until the end of this column. Not until I’ve shared some important messages with you all....

YOLO travellers find "Pride of the Valley" mill

Self-described "YOLO" (You Only Live Once) travellers Cindy Aspden and Joe Vas made their way through Grand Forks and learned a little about the local Doukhobour mill on their way.  Check out their attached YouTube video to find out how it went. ...

Mr Mojo danced through GF on Wednesday

Mr. Mojo -- a Nelson-based musician -- was selected by the Kootenay Library Federation at libraries across the region. Grand Forks was his last stop on a 12 stop tour.  He performed at 1 p.m. in the children's section of the library to a growing crowd of eager faces. Some of his songs included "Dirty Old Bear," which placed...

Almost $20K in grant money for Greenwood

Greenwood has been awarded $18,670 in grant money from the Job Creation Partnership grant, according to an announcement Mayor Nipper Kettle made on his Facebook page.  The money will be used toward beautifying the City of Greenwood with special attention going to O'Hairi Park -- the main city park -- and the A-Frame structure...

GW Founder's Day quadruples it's size

Greenwood celebrated 117 years by pulling out the stops at their annual celebration, Saturday. The day started with a pancake breakfast and parade, which is usual for the event, but it was expanded on many fronts.  They had 60 vendors set up around the fair, which was held at O'Hairi Park in downtown Greenwood. The number, ...

CL's annual Homecoming celebration grows every year

It’s grown again. The 5th annual Christina Lake Homecoming Summer Festival has gone beyond expectations with a large line up of vendors and performances at the July 11th event. According to organizer Cindy Alblas, they had over 80 vendors at the event plus 14 performances. This year, the event expanded into the evening with...

Make a SPLASH at Millennium Ponds grand opening!

Woo hoo! It’s the day we’ve all been waiting for – the Millennium Park Natural Swimming Ponds grand opening celebration is slated for Aug. 4 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., with a massive SPLASH party to which everyone is invited. The $1.6-million project has been a couple of years in the making (sped somewhat by $400,000 from the ...

LIBRARY MUSINGS: Cool off at the library or join Storytime at the lake

Although our Summer Reading Club began yesterday, it’s still not too late to sign up! And as a way to accommodate those of you who don’t want to commit to all seven weeks, we’ll be leaving our Fridays open as a drop-in. Bring your 6-12 year olds by any Friday from July 8 to August 22, either from 10 - 12 or from 1 – 3 pm....

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