LIBRARY MUSINGS: Popular library books for staff and patrons
This time around, we’re going to talk about books. Books that we like, and books that you like.
Books That We Like
Back by popular demand, here are some staff book (and DVD!) reviews to help you find your next great read:
I’m Not Scared of you or Anything (Jon Paul Fiorentino)
This wild and wacky collection of short stories is never dull – they’re often very short, and the author has a wonderful ability to change the direction of the story entirely with a surprising last sentence. It’s illustrated, too!
Your Fathers, Where Are they? And the Prophets, Do They Live Forever? (Dave Eggers)
Told entirely in dialogue, this novel takes a hard look at America – including the treatment of the mentally ill, its military history, and the abuse of power by those in positions of authority. It’s not a long book, but it’s one that’ll keep you thinking long after you’re done reading it.
Lost for Words (Edward St. Aubyn)
This novel comes heavily praised by Michael Chabon, Zadie Smith, Anthony Bourdain, etc, etc. It’s a comedic look at the writers and jury of a fictitious British book prize – a quick read with lots of memorable characters.
The Elder Project (film)
Anyone with elderly parents will find this NFB documentary to be fascinating and insightful. By the end of it, you’ll wish you could see more about the seven individuals portrayed in the film.
Books That You Like
And here are the most popular Fiction and Non-Fiction books at the library:
- Blue Collar B & B (Bobby Hutchinson)
- Twelve Years A Slave (Solomon Northup)
- An Astronauts Guide To Life On Earth (Chris Hadfield)
- Chicken Soup For The Soul
- Josey Baker Bread (Josey Baker)
- The Ark Before Noah (Irving Finkel)
- Year Of No Sugar (Eve Schaub)
- Radical Homemakers (Shannon Hayes)
- Coconut 24 7 (Pat Crocker)
- Crazy Town (Robyn Doolittle)
- Feast (Sarah Copeland)
- Let’s Just Say It Wasnt Pretty (Diane Keaton)
- Listen To The Squawking Chicken (Elaine Lui)
- Mad Hungry Cravings (Lucinda Quinn)
- Pies And Tarts (Kristina Petersen)Fiction
- Sycamore Row (John Grisham)
- Missing You (Harlan Coben)
- The Gods Of Guilt (Michael Connelly)
- Concealed In Death (J.D. Robb)
- A Tap On The Window (Linwood Barclay)
- Africas Unfinished Symphony (Lucia Mann)
- Power Play (Danielle Steel)
- All My Puny Sorrows (Miriam Toews)
- Snipers Honor (Stephen Hunter)
- Still Life With Bread Crumbs (Anna Quindlen)
- The Orenda (Joseph Boyden)
- Blood Always Tells (Hilary Davidson)
For more information on any of these programs, to read staff reviews, or to find books, DVDs, magazines and much more, visit our website at