
CAO leaves Grand Forks

Shara JJ Cooper
By Shara JJ Cooper
November 24th, 2014

More to come … 

The City of Grand Forks’ Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), Doug Allin, has left his position earlier than expected. 

In a press release sent out earlier today, media spokesperson Sarah Winton said that Doug Allin “enacted provisions within his contract” that allowed him to leave earlier than expected. 

Winton went on to tell the Sentinel that Allin was not expected to leave at this time and that the decision was made in an in-camera meeting on Friday, Nov. 21. 

Current corporate officer Diane Heinrich will be taking over the duties of the CAO for the next six months. This will allow the newly elected council — to be sworn in on Dec. 1 — an adjustment period before they actively look for a new CAO, according to Winton.

When the new council is sworn in, they can choose to fill the role internally or advertise more widely. 

In the release, current mayor Brian Taylor said, “City Council really appreciates Doug’s work with the City. He has done an excellent job in bringing about a higher level of engagement, and moving the community forward. It has been a pleasure working with him and we wish Doug all the best in his future endeavours.”

And Allin said, ““I would like to thank Mayor Taylor and Council for their exceptional leadership and thank our team for an incredible experience. The City is fortunate to have such a talented and dedicated staff in all departments that take so much pride in the community. I am grateful for my time in Grand Forks and for the opportunity to work with so many amazing people. Thank you.” 

The leave is effective immediately. 

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