

Some memories from our hills

Tales of the Trails: up in the new Lepsoe Basin cabin, there was – and should still be – a copy of a slim volume of ditties penned by “The Convert,” real name John Forrest, who described himself as “an old retired Red Mountain ski patroller and downhill fanatic now addicted to tall tales and the...

Column: Forestry issues

We’ve heard a lot in the news lately about the challenges facing the oil sector, but much less about the serious problems confronting another natural resource industry—forestry. Two years ago, the United States placed significant import tariffs on softwood lumber.  Those illegal tariffs are still in place, yet we hear almost...

Column: From the Hill -- Homelessness

In this coldest time of the year, we often think of the people in our area who are homeless.  Some have ended up on the streets and in rough camps because of mental health issues, addictions, or a combination of the two.  Some are children fleeing abusive parents or women fleeing abusive spouses; others have become disabled. ...

Ski Salmo this Saturday for small donation and fabulous cause

The owners of Castlegar’s Speedy Glass are holding a fun family event this Saturday to give back to the community as well as to fundraise for a local, volunteer-driven tourism destination. Speedy Glass co-owner Stephanie Syme said their Third Annual Customer Appreciation Day at the Salmo Ski Hill gives back to the community...

Booty's Cabin at Strawberry Pass nearly destroyed

It may have been someone careless with a candle on Christmas Eve.  When a small group of skiers passing Booty’s Cabin early on Christmas morning noticed flames through the window, the flames were already a foot high and spreading. A Friends of the Rossland Range Society (FORRS) director says that, according to a firefighter...

Darkwoods Conservation Area to grow

A large tract of protected lands stretches between Nelson and Creston, including areas managed by the Province of British Columbia and the Darkwoods Conservation Area, owned and managed by the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC). Yet one area within Darkwoods — the Next Creek watershed — remains unprotected. This is about to...

Trail Christmas Counterattack in full swing as police crack down on road safety

The Trail and Greater District Detachment continued its second weekend of its Christmas Counter Attack 2018 program which is running concurrently with province-wide programs.  Over the weekend of Dec. 14 to 16: -  One person was issued 90 Day Immediate Roadside Prohibitions for being impaired by alcohol and her vehicle...

Drugs, cash and weapon seized from Trail home, one man arrested

Police have arrested a Trail man after seizing drugs, money and a weapon, according to Trail top cop RCMP Sgt. Mike Wicentowich. "On Dec.13, at 5:55 p.m., the Joint Crime Reduction Unit of Trail and Castlegar, along with the assistance of Trail GD members, executed a search warrant under the Controlled Drugs and Substance Act...

Mural Project Reflects Healthy Campus Experience at Selkirk College

A new splash of colour and creativity at Selkirk College’s Castlegar Campus is places focus on what it means to have a healthy campus experience. Over the summer, School of Health & Human Services instructor Matty Hillman pulled together five students for a mural and research project that explored both individual health...

Trail police seek public help to find wanted criminal

The Trail and Greater District RCMP Detachment is asking the public to be on the lookout for Ishmani Baker, date of birth  March 21, 1997, of Fort St. John, B.C.  Baker is described as 5'7", 181 lbs, with blond hair and blue eyes.   Baker has numerous outstanding unendorsed warrants for his arrest out of Fort St. John, BC, ...

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