

OP/ED: Things that go bump in the parking lot, lessons learned

Asking for people to send me their thoughts at the end of last week's article resulted in one of the largest responses I've ever received. Ultimately, the overwhelming choice of advice was to report the offending driver to ICBC and the police. Fewer people were willing to shrug their shoulders and carry on with life while two...

BC SPCA lottery for animals in need is back and bigger than ever

Buying a lottery ticket can help B.C.’s most vulnerable animals. With the return of the BC SPCA Lottery for animals in need, you can win big by helping abused, neglected and injured animals and potentially, put thousands of extra dollars in your pocket. This year’s Lottery is the biggest ever with $100,000 to be won PLUS up...

Forum: State of the Kootenays: An Economic Update slated for next month in Castlegar

Castlegar & District Economic Development and the Chamber of Commerce will be hosting an exciting event on April 11. The event, titled the State of the Kootenays: An Economic Update, is Castlegar & District’s Economic Development’s first ever Economic Forum. The event will be on April 11 from 6 - 8.30 p.m., with a...

Smoking causes fire in local apartment building

Smoking appears to be the cause of a fire in a Trail apartment building Friday afternoon, according to KBRFR Chief Dan Derby. "Firefighters responded to a mattress fire at the Groutage apartments," he said in a press release issued Saturday. "(The) fire was contained to the area of origin (and) was caused by smoking activity....

Teck fertilizer plant shuts down after spill

On Tuesday February 26, 2019, a low pH incident occurred at an outfall at Teck Trail Operations. Regulatory authorities including Emergency Management BC, the BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, and Environment and Climate Change Canada were immediately notified. An investigation was started immediately following...

Editorial: Skiing and Logging in the Rossland Range Recreation Site

Skiers accessing Cutblock Peak and environs:  please contain your irritation about the logging operation there that is inconveniencing you – it won’t be there for much longer.  Please stay well clear of the logging -- and please do not park on the logging road, or try to ignore the logging operations.  Here’s why: First, let’s...

UPDATED: Further description details on van occupants offering 11-year-old Fruitvale girl a ride.

Police have not yet located the two van occupants who pulled ap alongside a young girl on her way to school in Fruitvale yesterday, according to Trail top cop Sgt. Mike Wicentowich, but they did get a more detailed description for which residents can watch. "We obtained these further details from the 11 year old student: - ...

Man in police-involved Bonnington shooting dies Saturday

The man who was shot in an altercation with police Feb. 13 in Bonnington has died, according to an IIO release Wednesday. "The Independent Investigations Office of B.C. confirms that an adult male involved in an officer-involved shooting in Bonnington has died," the release read. "At approximately 2 a.m. on Feb. 13, ... RCMP...

Year-over-year crime stats in Castlegar presented to council

Year-over-year crime stats were on the agenda at city council’s regular meeting Tuesday night. In a report to council, Castlegar top cop RCMP Sgt. Darren Oelke compared crime statistics between 2017 and 2018 for his detachment. In an interview Wednesday, Oelke highlighted what he felt were some of the significant changes. He...

The lucky winner of that 'Artfully Rossland' contest

For the month of December, 2018,  Tourism Rossland, The Josie, RED Mountain Resort, Stephanie Gauvin and Instinct Skis teamed up to create a contest that will send one lucky winner down the slopes in style: the Artfully Rossland contest.  The grand prize?  -- a pair of Stephanie Gauvin Artist Series Instinct Skis, 3 nights ...

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