

Increased call volume during Silver City Days prompts police plea to public

It was a busy and productive weekend for the Trail and Greater District Detachment RCMP during the 2019 Trail Silver City Days, acccording to RCMP Sgt. Mike Wicentowich. "The RCMP responded to over 75 calls for service from Friday, May 10 to Sunday, May 12," said Wicentowich in a press release Monday. " The RCMP also conducted...

Tip from off-duty cop leads to arrest/drug seizure

A 33-year-old Trail man may be facing a laundry list of charges after a sharp-eyed, off-duty police officer attending Silver City Days with his family noticed suspicious behaviour, according to RCMP Sgt. Mike Wicentowich. “On May 11, the RCMP Trail Crime Reduction Unit (CRU) conducted an investigation into a 33-year-old male...

Missing Warfield man found unharmed

A missing Warfield man is home safe and sound after search and rescue crews from around the region scoured the area to find him, according to Mike Hudson, president and manager of South Columbia Search and Rescue “Yesterday at 2:15 a.m., South Columbia was called out for a missing 58-year-old male,” Hudson said. “He had...

KCTU: An Open Letter to Minister Conroy: Taking Away Services From Kids Is Not Equity

For audio, click here Dear Minister Conroy, After 16 years of a government that constantly picked fights with teachers and underfunded public schools, many in BC’s education sector felt relief when your government was elected. Teachers heard MLAs like you congratulate us on our Supreme Court win and back us up on our fight ...

Children and youth committee visits Castlegar

The all-party Select Standing Committee on Children and Youth is holding a public hearing in Castlegar on Thursday, May 23, 2019, to receive input on children and youth with neuro-diverse (e.g., ASD, FASD, developmental delay) special needs. The committee invites parents, caregivers, service providers and advocates to share...

75-yr-old Trail man defrauded of $2,000

Trail police are reminding residents never to give out personal financial information on the phone after an elderly resident was victimized by scammers, according to Trail RCMP top cop Sgt. Mike Wicentowich. "On May 3, the Trail and Greater District Detachment RCMP investigated a report of a fraud of a 75-year-old male victim...

Man missing in Kootenay River recovered

On May 3, the body of a Castlegar man was recovered from the Kootenay River who has been missing since May 2018 after entering the river in his pickup truck, accordign to RCMP Cpl. Brett Turner "The recovery effort lasted several hours and required the assistance of several partners due to the difficult conditions and rapid...

Trail Riverfront Centre honoured with 2019 Facility Excellence Award

The BC Recreation and Parks Association (BCRPA) today presented its Facility Excellence Award for projects under $1 million to the Trail Riverfront Centre in the City of Trail.  The award recognizes outstanding innovation in facility concept, design development, maintenance or operation in a facility. The new 15,000 square ...

BC SPCA reminds public to travel safely with their pets this summer

The BC SPCA is reminding members of the public to make sure pets are safely secured in their vehicle when travelling this summer. “This time of year we start to see more people taking their pets, particularly dogs, with them on road trips or camping. We recommend that pets are kept inside the vehicle in a secured crate or...

BC youth encouraged to #CelebrateEverydayVictories.

The Canadian Mental Health Association(CMHA), BC Division kicks off its 68th annual Mental Health Week (May 6 -12) celebrations with a new campaign – CelebrateEverydayVictories -encouraging youth and young adults throughout British Columbia to pause and acknowledge their small daily wins and celebrate their journey towards ...

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