

Selkirk College Helps Bridge the Gap for Early Childhood Care Educators

A Selkirk College pilot project aimed at increasing the number of certified early childhood educators is helping British Columbia’s push to lead the nation in accessible, quality childcare. The Early Childhood Education Work-Integrated Learning Pilot Project is supporting the Province of British Columbia’s efforts to understand...

Car-vs-motorcycle/truck fire/two-car MVA, all within 3 1/2 hours Tuesday

Yesterday (Tuesday) was a very busy day for first responders on Hwy 3B, with three MVAs within less than three-and-a-half hours. The first call came in to Kootenay Boundary Regional Fire Rescue (KBRFR) at 1:24 p.m, according to Cpt. Glen Gallamore. He said crews (including four firefighters from Trail and four from Warfield)...

Greta Thunberg: 'How dare you!'

Greta Thunberg’s speech to the  UN was transcribed.  Here is the full text.  For the full effect, though, listen to her speech at this link:    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYqtXR8iPlE In response to the question, “What’s your message to world leaders today?” Thunberg responded as follows: Greta Thunberg:   “My message is...

Editorial: What to do?

Current and anticipatory grief The reality of the continuing extinction of many so species is profoundly upsetting.  Readers may wonder why old people should care.  For example, I’ll be dead in a few years myself;  it will be up to others to live their lives diminished by the loss of caribou and many other creatures, many...

Op/Ed: Few things are as dangerous as economists with physics envy

By John Rapley, for Aeon Two questions: is it good or bad that professional athletes earn 400 times what nurses do, and is string theory a dead end? Each question goes to the heart of its discipline. Yet while you probably answered the first, you’d hold an opinion on the prospects of string theory only if you’ve studied...

COLUMN: Political Intelligence, Elections, and the Demos

Some Elections matter more: this should be one Canadians are about to choose a national, federal government on October 21. It is a more significant choice for our nation than we have faced in many elections, and not because Canada alone is facing some unusual circumstances: the entire human world and the non-human species...

Teck Trail Operations Announces Completion of New Acid Plant

Teck Trail Operations announced today completion of the new No. 2 Acid Plant, a $174 million investment in the long-term future of Trail Operations. “This investment supports our ongoing focus on sustainability and the long-term viability of our operation,” said Thompson Hickey, General Manager, Trail Operations. “Using the...

Climate Change Info Centralized Online

There’s a new online source for people seeking easy-to-understand information on climate change specific to communities throughout the Columbia Basin and Boundary regions. The Columbia Basin Climate Source website—basinclimatesource.ca— was initiated by Columbia Basin Trust and developed by Selkirk College’s Applied Research...

Column: Our biodiversity crisis -- connecting the dots

The polar bear has become the poster child for climate change impacts in the Arctic. Sea ice, which the bears depend on for hunting, is melting at an ever-expanding rate. For other species, climate impacts are not as direct. The 2019 State of Canada’s Birds report found aerial insectivores like swifts, swallows and nightjars...

Prolific offenders arrested, police strongly caution against releasing them locally

Salmo police are concerned about the possibility of two prolific offenders being released back into the Salmo community – not just for the sake of residents, but for the sake of the offenders themselves, according to Salmo Top Cop Cpl. Darryl Orr. “The Salmo RCMP are hopeful that these offenders will be detained in custody ...

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